
<a href=" Feyline Sprout" class="display-item">FTO Feyline Sprout</a>

FTO Feyline Sprout

This item is for FTO users only and may be traded for other FTO MYOS.

"We find a few of these from time to time but they start to wither as soon as they're pulled from the ground! We've only managed to gather a few samples but each time we do whoever picked them up ends up with terrible burns even if they wear gloves. Uh, hold on, how did you bring this in here?!"

A peculiar seed sits before you, seemingly stuck in this half sprouted state. No matter how you tried it would not grow any further, but it would not wither either. Now that you think about it, you kept trying because every time you held it the leaves tried to touch you. Maybe it just likes you.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common baby Leloko known as a Lelokit. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible. If you wish to trade your FTO myo item, it can only be traded to other users with FTO myos.

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will allow you to design a common Lelokit from the ground up. (Leloko species page | Visual Trait List)
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your Lelokit.ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น Babies often have simpler designs and smaller versions of large traits, that will display at their full size upon reaching adulthood.

    โ— Lelos, like all baby crederians, must be grown up before they can participate in events, raffles, or character quests.ย You can find growing up prompts here!ย 
<a href=" Otherworldly Plume" class="display-item">FTO Otherworldly Plume</a>

FTO Otherworldly Plume

This item is for FTO users only and may be traded for other FTO MYOS.

"I had no clue what this is. The pawbird's I've spoken to have been very hush hush about the whole thing, It floats, it doesn't write very well, anytime i dip it into my inkpotย  it feels like it curls to actively avoid it, it's been driving me nuts!!! Would you be so kind as to take this off my hands? Maybe you can figure it out."

A small quill lies before you. The gem inlaid in the center glows faintly, and the edges of the feather flutter anytime you pick it up. You're filled with the sensation that you've forgotten something very important, that you must write every current thought in your head down. It begins as small tasks you were meant to complete later today, to plans for the future. Events in your past, memories you're not sure are real. Every part of your surface is covered, and when you run out of room, you begin writing overtop what's already been written. Once you come to your senses you're exhausted, and it's time for sleep.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common baby Pawbird known as a Plume. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible. If you wish to trade your FTO myo item, it can only be traded to other users with FTO myos.

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will allow you to design a common Plume from the ground up. (Pawbird species page | Visual Trait List)
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your Plume.ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น Babies often have simpler designs and smaller versions of large traits, that will display at their full size upon reaching adulthood.

    โ— Plumes, like all baby crederians, must be grown up before they can participate in events, raffles, or character quests.ย You can find growing up prompts here!ย 
<a href="โ˜† Common MYO Ticket" class="display-item">โ˜† Common MYO Ticket</a>

โ˜† Common MYO Ticket

"Take this!"

A shimmering blue ticket stamped with an image of a Mantibab. You're not sure what it's for, but it was handed to you by a blonde bab with strange eyes who was a little too happy about it.ย 

Using this item grants you a random common MYO. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use.

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will give you one MYO of the available species: Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcracker, Leloko, & Pawbird

    โ— As species get developed, more will be added onto the list to be randomized except for Bowroo and Poffees.ย 
<a href=" Horn" class="display-item">Prismatic Horn</a>

Prismatic Horn

""A colorful and shimmering horn, who left it here? It feels like you've stumbled across something great."

An iridescent striped horn lies before you. Its colorful insides seeming to shift and change the longer you look at it and the urge to pick it up is impossible to ignore. The moment your hand touches it, a gentle warmth fills you, and a small cloud of sparkling smoke emanates from the object. The cloud wisps and flares and you notice it getting larger and larger until you're completely enveloped and color fills your vision.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common Mantibab. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will allow you to design a common Mantibab from the ground up. (Mantibab species page | Visual Trait List)
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your bab.

    โ— Mantibabs have strict color rules, common mantibabs must be fully saturated and cannot make use of dark/dull/greyscale tones (white/pastel may be used sparingly) read more [here]
<a href=" Conduit" class="display-item">Lost Conduit</a>

Lost Conduit

"Be careful if you come across one of these, you don't see one so whole without it containing a lot of magic. Since you're holding it, you must've not been killed by it... what? You didn't know it could do that? It has something to do with "being worthy", but I'm not quite sure what that means."

What was once the conduit of a Kanti lies before you, pale and hollow. The moment your hand touches it smoke pours out the end and a chill envelops you completely, freezing you in place. The cold is reaching, and you feel it crawling through your very veins as it searches for your heart. Just before it reaches it, you feel empty, and are then filled with a sense of acknowledgement.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common Kanti. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will allow you to design a common Kanti from the ground up. (Kanti species page | Visual Trait List)
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your Kanti.ย 

    โ— Kanti conduits must be a vibrant, saturated color and can't be pale, dull or dark without special trait items, [read about them here!] , look through conduit traits [here] , you can modify conduits with certain traits that you can see [here]
<a href=" Helm" class="display-item">Untarnished Helm</a>

Untarnished Helm

"That fine piece of metal must've cost you a fortune, I can't imagine parting with such a piece! I'm grateful you've allowed me to work on it but i'm afraid nothing i do to it affects it. The metail it's composed of is resistant to all of my tools and magics... even my diamond chisels can't leave a scratch! Perhaps just wearing it would be enough? *

An untarnished helm lies before you. Nothing done to it causes it any harm, not even the way you dropped it when you first picked it up and felt a jolt of magic shoot straight into you. Something in you made you pick it up again regardless, feeling a sense of longing, as though you were missing something very important but couldn't quite parse it o ut. Before long you realize you've started walking, picking up your pace until you're all but running. The cliffs edge greets you, then passes you by as you're suddenly falling, until you're no longer falling, instead carried by a pair of wings as satisfaction fills you.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common Skullcracker. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.ย 

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will allow you to design a common Skullcracker from the ground up. (Skullcracker species page | Visual Trait List)
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your SC.ย 

    โ— A Helm is mandatory, but Armor is optional! All skullcrackers also have a pair of wings on their chest.ย 
<a href=" Seedling" class="display-item">Feyline Seedling</a>

Feyline Seedling

"They say the Hohol forest is the only place with enough magic to keep these things alive. I've not the courage to consider taking one... The fey who tread those woods are very protective of them, no matter that we've never been able to keep them alive outside of that place. You.. did you earn their favor somehow?ย 

A peculiar seed sprouts in your palm. It needs no soil, and no water, though when you did water it it wiggled in delight (you assume). The overwhelming urge to keep it close to you has made you both inseparable. You've attempted to make sure it gets enough sunlight, made a spot for it at your table, and made a small bed on your nightstand where it rests. You spilled some honey on it by accident and it immediately started squealing, absorbed it, and wiggled its leaves towards you. You consider your options...

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common Leloko.ย This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will allow you to design a common Leloko from the ground up. (Leloko species page | Visual Trait List)
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your Leloko.ย 

    โ— All lelokos have a flower tipped tail. Commonly, these flowers should not have any extra bits or bobs like thin strands or filaments.
<a href=" Comet Shard" class="display-item">Iridescent Comet Shard</a>

Iridescent Comet Shard

A shard of iridescent crystal that fell from the sky...

โš ๏ธ This section is under development โš ๏ธ
<a href=" Quill" class="display-item">Otherworldly Quill</a>

Otherworldly Quill

"The last time I one of these I think i woke up a week later with several newly written novels around me. There's a powerful enchantment on this Quill and I've come to consider it the ultimate reading utensil... if I had any control of the content written down. I didn't know a thing about what was written on those pages!"

An elegant quill floats quietly before you. The gentle swooping of the feathered edges entrances you, and you're compelled to grab hold, like it was meant for you. A desperation to write fills you, as though you're full of too many words and can't possibly hold them all. You've suddenly learned how to speak a separate language, and as you write you realize you're forgetting it with each word you place down.ย  Knowledge courses in and out of you as pages litter the ground covered in information. These pages fall gently, and start forming a circle on the ground that, once closed, causes all the pages to burn with otherworldly flame. You're hypnotized by the inky darkness within the circle, colorful stars dancing and flying towards you. You blink as the light gets too strong, and find yourself on the floor the next morning, a bit of drool on your lip.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common Pawbird. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will allow you to design a common Pawbird from the ground up. (Pawbird species page | Visual Trait List)
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your Pawb.ย 

    โ— Pawbirds require a "soul sigil" on their chest. These sigils share a color with the eyes, and have other optional spots that can share it as well. During times of strong emotion, the sigil color (on all shared points) can change to another, often harsher color.
<a href=" of the Eladrian" class="display-item">Charm of the Eladrian</a>

Charm of the Eladrian

"A beautifully shimmering scale that you found near the ocean. Looking into it shows a reflection of the sea. Stand by the ocean, call its name, and look into the reflection once more, what do you see?"

โš ๏ธ This section is under development โš ๏ธ

Orb of New Beginnings

โš ๏ธ This section is under development โš ๏ธ
<a href=" Bracelet" class="display-item">Lost Bracelet</a>

Lost Bracelet

"A worn but lovingly crafted bracelet with a small metal buckle, picking it up fills you with a sense of familliarity and love. Keep it with you, i think someone may be looking for itย ."

โš ๏ธ This section is under development โš ๏ธ
<a href=" of the Forgotten" class="display-item">Tooth of the Forgotten</a>

Tooth of the Forgotten

"An ancient tooth that spews arcane magic, don't lose it, you've come across something unheard of for the last 6000 years"

โš ๏ธ This section is under development โš ๏ธ
<a href=" Horn Scrap" class="display-item">Colorful Horn Scrap</a>

Colorful Horn Scrap

"A colorful horn... or at least the tip of one... No...Oh! This... is different, this must be a gift from the gods, go on, go on, what does your child look like?"

A smaller horn lies before you, it's colorful insides seem to shift and change the longer you look at it. It's warm to the touch and fills you with a sense of wonder, fogging your mind and leaving your head in the clouds as it's mystical powers flare.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common baby Mantibab known as a Babling. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will allow you to design a common Babling from the ground up.
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your babling.ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น Babies often have simpler designs and smaller versions of large traits, that will display at their full size upon reaching adulthood.

    โ— Bablings, like all baby crederians, must be grown up before they can participate in events, raffles, or character quests.ย 
<a href=" Conduit" class="display-item">Snapped Conduit</a>

Snapped Conduit

"It looks like someone lost this along the way. Must've been a nasty battle, the magic is already seeping out of it. Oh! You should pick it up before it loses all it's power. They say a conduit will lash out if it doesn't deem you worthy, and... well... i don't want to take that kind of risk. But you do, right?"

A broken conduit lies before you, an ooze of condensed mana seeping out from the end. It is cold to the touch, almost leaving you breathless as you carefully wrap it in parchment. You feel it pulsing magic out, the cold creeping towards your chest before it stops, and you're instead filled with a gentle warmth.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common baby Kanti known as a Koal. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will allow you to design a common Koal from the ground up.
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your Koal.ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น Babies often have simpler designs and smaller versions of large traits, that will display at their full size upon reaching adulthood.

    โ— Koal, like all baby crederians, must be grown up before they can participate in events, raffles, or character quests.ย 
<a href=" Helm Fragment" class="display-item">Untarnished Helm Fragment</a>

Untarnished Helm Fragment

"A piece of an enchanted helm. I thought these helms turned to dust once they lost their magic.... whoever this belonged to must have been very powerful. I can't do anythign with it, tried melting it, disenchanting it, cracking it with my diamond chisels... and nothing. Why don't you keep it? maybe it still has a story to tell."

A cracked piece of a helm lies before you. While it is cracked, you find it impossible to break or bend in any way. Holding it in your hands fills you with a sense of restlessness, like you need to be doing something but forgot what it was. Before long you realize you've started walking, luckily stopping before you stepped right off the edge of the platform you were standing on.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common baby Skullcracker known as a Winglett. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will allow you to design a common Winglett from the ground up.
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your Winglett.ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น Babies often have simpler designs and smaller versions of large traits, that will display at their full size upon reaching adulthood.

    โ— Wingletts, like all baby crederians, must be grown up before they can participate in events, raffles, or character quests.ย 
<a href=" Sprout" class="display-item">Feyline Sprout</a>

Feyline Sprout

"We find a few of these from time to time but they start to wither as soon as they're pulled from the ground! We've only managed to gather a few samples but each time we do whoever picked them up ends up with terrible burns even if they wear gloves. Uh, hold on, how did you bring this in here?!"

A peculiar seed sits before you, seemingly stuck in this half sprouted state. No matter how you tried it would not grow any further, but it would not wither either. Now that you think about it, you kept trying because every time you held it the leaves tried to touch you. Maybe it just likes you.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common baby Leloko known as a Lelokit. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will allow you to design a common Lelokit from the ground up.
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your Lelokit.ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น Babies often have simpler designs and smaller versions of large traits, that will display at their full size upon reaching adulthood.

    โ— Lelos, like all baby crederians, must be grown up before they can participate in events, raffles, or character quests.ย 
<a href=" Plume" class="display-item">Otherworldly Plume</a>

Otherworldly Plume

"I had no clue what this is. The pawbird's I've spoken to have been very hush hush about the whole thing, It floats, it doesn't write very well, anytime i dip it into my inkpotย  it feels like it curls to actively avoid it, it's been driving me nuts!!! Would you be so kind as to take this off my hands? Maybe you can figure it out."

A small quill lies before you. The gem inlaid in the center glows faintly, and the edges of the feather flutter anytime you pick it up. You're filled with the sensation that you've forgotten something very important, that you must write every current thought in your head down. It begins as small tasks you were meant to complete later today, to plans for the future. Events in your past, memories you're not sure are real. Every part of your surface is covered, and when you run out of room, you begin writing overtop what's already been written. Once you come to your senses you're exhausted, and it's time for sleep.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common baby Pawbird known as a Plume. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will allow you to design a common Plume from the ground up.
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your Plume.ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น Babies often have simpler designs and smaller versions of large traits, that will display at their full size upon reaching adulthood.

    โ— Plumes, like all baby crederians, must be grown up before they can participate in events, raffles, or character quests.ย 

Trade-In MYO Box

This MYO Box is available only to users who have traded in a defunct Crederian from a species listed in the Defunct Crederian Page. This MYO Box is able to be traded.

  • Trade-In MYO Box:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”นThis box contains an adult MYO you choose out of a pool of available crederians
    ๐Ÿ”น Kanti, Skullcracker, Leloko, and Pawbird.

    Please note:
    โ— If you are interested in Poffees or Bowroo, they are undergowing reworks and will have 2 free MYOS per species available to all users.
    โ— All other species visible in the species tab are not currently available, but will be added to this gift box as they are finalized.ย 
<a href="'s Prismatic Shard" class="display-item">Dorem's Prismatic Shard</a>

Dorem's Prismatic Shard

This item is exclusively for Crederia Staff! User MYOs can be obtained through The Crystal Altar or The Patron Gallery.ย ย 

"May your dreams become..."

A small, smooth piece of glass whose surface glitters with reflected light. Staring into it , you feel a wave of comforting emotion wash over you, as though you're sharing a warm conversation with a close friend, though the only image reflected on its surface is your own. Soft laughter seems to carry on the wind, and you notice that... no... it's not just your reflection. You see an objects image manifesting on the glass...

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a Common Mantibab. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.ย 

  • ย Use:ย ย 
    ๐Ÿ”น This item will grant an MYO slot to your account on the MYO masterlist.
    ๐Ÿ”น Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your character. This action does not raise monetary worth.
    ๐Ÿ”น The completed MYO mantibab may be resold for up to $300.

    โ— This item, nor the MYO slot it creates may be swapped for any reason. Only once the design is officially on the character masterlist can it be sold.
    โ— User MYOS may never be sold for USD.ย 
    โ— Patron MYOS may be sold once officialized for the amount purchased.ย 
105 results found.