<a href="https://crederia.com/world/items?name=Prismatic Horn" class="display-item">Prismatic Horn</a>

Prismatic Horn

Artist: Phloxe


""A colorful and shimmering horn, who left it here? It feels like you've stumbled across something great."

An iridescent striped horn lies before you. Its colorful insides seeming to shift and change the longer you look at it and the urge to pick it up is impossible to ignore. The moment your hand touches it, a gentle warmth fills you, and a small cloud of sparkling smoke emanates from the object. The cloud wisps and flares and you notice it getting larger and larger until you're completely enveloped and color fills your vision.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common Mantibab. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.

  •  Use:  
    🔹 This item will allow you to design a common Mantibab from the ground up. (Mantibab species page | Visual Trait List)
    🔹 Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your bab.

    ❗ Mantibabs have strict color rules, common mantibabs must be fully saturated and cannot make use of dark/dull/greyscale tones (white/pastel may be used sparingly) read more [here]

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