

Visual Trait Index



Mantibabs are a versatile and long lived species with a rich history and knack for adventure. They hold the very soul of crederia in their magic and are able to take hold of the energy that flows through the various planes. They were born with crederia and may be one of its oldest inhabitants. Through their prosperous time on this planet Crederia has flourished in both technology and capacity to hold new life. Babs are easily identified with their striped horns and colorful velvety patches that adorn their cheeks, elbows, and ankles. They find pride in their powerful horns and use their patches in greetings and affections.

Babs are capable of crafting the simplest shelters to intricate towns and cities. Kingdoms, caravans, underwater cities, desert jewels and the like can be found with babs in tow. They can lead simple lives as farmers, or they can choose to take up the title of Knight, Blacksmith, Alchemist, Scholar, and the like. They are deeply fantasy based so let out your creativity! What does your bab do? 

Additional Species Info

  • Species | Mantibab
  • Terms | Bab (shorthand), Babling (baby babs)
  • Lifespan | A standard mantibab has a lifespan ranging from 250 - 300 years.
  • Diet | Meat, fruits, vegetables, baked goods, plant matter. They are quite adept in the culinary arts and many speak of the market squares filled with freshly baked bread.
  • Defining Features | Striped horns, cheek circles, ankle and elbow nubs.

Mantibabs are able to use simple forms of magic to manipulate objects (quills, books, spoons, pots, etc) and to apply simple enchantments to items for utility, but all Mantibabs have the capacity to grow this innate magic in their being into something stronger. The elements of magic are sorted into categories called Alignments, with each alignment named after the being that created it. Mantibabs are able to harness two Alignments, one Major, one Minor, and with these alignments can attempt to gain mastery and manifest this element upon their bodies.
  • Major | The focus of their magic, this alignment will be the one chosen for mastery, and cannot be changed once applied.
  • Minor | The secondary alignment, a minor alignment is meant to complement your major, and while a mantibab can go far in learning this secondary magic, it takes a lot of effort for it to manifest.

For a deep dive into their lore, traits, and other info you can take a look on their compendium. Below will be a brief rundown of their history, styling, and explanation of subtypes.
Mantibabs are a large and long lived species that make up the largest part of most populations within Crederia, whether that's due to just how long they live or not we can't say. These creatures are attuned to the magic of the land by birth, and are gifted with the ability to gather and manipulate this energy with ease. Most make use of this magic via small tasks like telekinesis based magic to pick up and sort objects, stirring ladels or turning the pages of a book. A small blessing to make your joins limber, your paws faster to give you an edge as you race with one another (though be careful when participating in official races, they may catch you). Mantibabs have learned the way to enchant small items as well to help with daily tasks, whether its a ladle that stirs itself or a tinderbox with flint that regrows every night. It wouldn't be so odd to find out the local baker has self rolling rolling pins.

Though Mantibabs can be seen as a prosperous species with all manner of tradition, culture, and will, there was a time long ago when Mantibabs faced peril at the hands of humans. It is said they received aid from the damned, whether these were souls of the dead or something more demonic it isn't known, and with this aid they put forward actions that shook the core of Crederia, nearly destroying the species and the magic they protected. Through the intervention of other species whose relationships with Mantibabs were just budding (and a pact or two between a few entities and their vessels) they were able to survive. It took a long time to get back on their feet, as with most civilizations came unrest among themselves and others along with a few rattling events, but after a few millennium Mantibabs gained back their civilizations and ties to the earth, entering the current years where they've flourished despite the dangers that still lurk.

The Miasma

Crederia has faced much turmoil from those outside of its boundaries, whether physical or ethereal. One such catastrophe that still plagues the land came long ago in the form of a meteor that carried with it the energy of something that was said to have been created by malice itself. The wound this created on the planet almost destroyed it and its inhabitants. Through struggle, sacrifice, and union it was kept at bay, though not removed completely, and not without repercussion. Crederians face the dangers of this meteor to this day, having caused a biome of sorts to appear whose murky fog and dangerous lands cannot be travelled by those untrained and unprotected. If you see yourself near a perfect line of blooms glittering with a magical light guarded by armored statues, you've reached the end of the line, and you should turn back.
Mantibabs come in shapes big and small, with a variety of body types bulky, slim, fat, big, and small. They range from 5' - 8' tall from the top of their head (not their horns or ears) and are covered usually in short to medium fur along their bodies with their arms strangely unable to grow anything other than very short velvety fur

Clothing & Accessories

Clothing is a large part of expressing a bab's identity with special care often taken to frame and expose their elbow or ankle nubs through special tailoring. From baggy, lose fabrics to delicately tailored suits adorned with brooches, ties, cuffs, ribbons, etc.

Accessorizing your bab is fully welcome, but please do not design clothing, weaponry, or items that closely resemble earnable items on-site if you have not earned them.

  • Clothing of most any style is able to be added to your character's masterlist entry as long as you have a non clothed version also visible. From ill fitting to fully tailored, clothing generally follows a high fantasy style with cloaks, cowls, vests, tunics, and hats of all varieties being rather common.
  • Accessories may be composed of fabrics, metals, plant-matter, stone, and other sorts of things, as well as simple gemstones. Adorning ones horns is very popular.
  • Mechanical props should be kept small, no mechs or other mechanical mounts. (mobility assistants will need to be approved but are welcome)
  • In the same vein, prosthetics are fully welcome and should be composed of polished wood, metals, or other sturdy materials. (Elemental traits will include body parts composed of said element so vine or plant arms won't be approved without the proper items) Snapped horns may have caps but babs do not generally try to replace broken or lost horns due to how much they value them.

Weapons & Armor

From sport to necessity, battle is a key part of Mantibab society. Knights that guard cities and towns to fighters who climb the ladders in official tournaments to even brawlers who participate in underground contests, the possibilities are great and with them comes your choice of garb, and weaponry. Mantibabs are adept with magic but may also know how to handle a blade (in their mouths or hands if they choose to take a more humanoid form).
  • Weaponry may be freely designed and should be kept non-magical. Generally swords for knights will have their kingdoms emblem etched into the blade.
  • Armor can be composed of plant or animal leathers, metals, stone, etc. Knights and other official guards granted suits by their employers will often have the kingdom or family insignia engraved on the armor in some visible way. Sometimes these insignias come in the form of medallions attacked or worn over the armor.
  • Mantibab Types & Forms

    Mantibabs come in various forms or "subtypes" that grant the bearer unique traits or additions. The forms below are achieved through various means, sometimes forced upon its bearer accidentally or through divine or not-so-divine intervention. 

  • Standard | Your traditional mantibab
  • Communed | Crystalline Mantibabs
  • Miasmic | Mutated Mantibabs
  • Raised | Undead Mantibabs
  • Ancient | Ancestral Mantibabs
  • Changeling | Shapeshifting or Monstrous Mantibabs

    Paths are special subtypes that can be achieved by most who put their mind to it, or by those who've gained the inkling of the bloodline from their lineage. Paths call back to the deities of old, as well as the stories passed down among Crederians as a whole.  Mantibabs may currently only have one path.

  • Fabled | Unicorn Mantibabs
  • Wrathful | Draconic Mantibabs
  • Jeweled | Mermaid & Aquatic Mantibabs
  • Feyblood | Fey & Fairy Mantibabs
  • Heraldic | Winged & Feathered Mantibabs


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Visual Trait Index
A equine/cervid looking species that is proud and powerful. Their magic is strong and manifests as a conduit mainly found on their backs. These conduits hold their magic, and when active, will flow and glow through their horns, hooves, and eyes in a display of magical prowess. 
Most kantis are a force to be reckoned with, but with the integration of the numerous species around, lent their strength and abilities to the world, and it's become richer for it.
Additional Species Info

  • Species | Kanti
  • Terms | Koal (baby Kanti)
  • Lifespan | A standard Kanti has a lifespan of about 220 years.
  • Diet | Meat, vegetables (particularly root vegetables), fruits, plant matter. They are capable of pulling every strand of energy from a meal, and only need to eat roughly once or twice a day to work at full capacity. They tend to have a weakness for sugar.
  • Defining Features | Magic patch along the back of the neck, four toed hand hooves, lightly glowing magic points (horns, hooves, eyes, conduit), slit nostrils, canines.

Kanti are able to use simple forms of magic to manipulate objects and apply simple enchantments to items for utility, as well as being able to concentrate their magic in their horns to slash and send arcs of physical mana at their foes, or to enhance their natural conduit points to hit that much harder, though they are known to hone this skill into something greater. The elements of magic are sorted into categories called Alignments, with each alignment named after the being that created it. Kantis are able to harness one Alignment naturally, and can attempt to gain mastery and manifest this element upon their bodies.

For a deep dive into their lore, traits, and other info you can take a look on their compendium. Below will be a brief rundown of their history, styling, and explanation of subtypes.
Kantis are a proud and rather widespread species, often boasted as the strongest among Crederia's many inhabitants. (though whether its by their own bookkeepers we can't know) Many say it's due to their connection to the magic of the land strengthening body and mind that they're able to triumph through hardship others may falter in. They tend to revere their relationship to their magic and have found ways to manifest it whether through light telekinesis to using it in charged attacks during battle. Dueling is common in their society and if challenged, trying to diffuse or avoid the upcoming battle is a great hulimiation.

During their earlier years, Kanti were a very reserved group, not wanting to interact with others our of this notion that they were greater than anything else on this land. This pride resulted in feeling like others had more than they deserved, and fueled by entitlement and jealousy they attempted to and succeeded in their conquests. Kanti were considered ruthless and power hungry, even amongst themselves, with these divisive acts causing unrest. For their pride and struggles, they lost the worlds favor, slowly losing control of, and then completely losing their magic. These dark times lasted for decades, where internal struggles resulted in much loss until enough was enough and the rebellion managed to take control of the major kingdoms. These events concluded with the humans targeting Mantibabs, and though their power had not returned, those who took over lent what forces they could, and together slowlyregained their lost power and respect of their fellow Crederians.

Kantis are a equine/cervid-like species that come in a variety of body types (muscular, bulky, fat, slender, round). They range from 5'5" - ~7'5" tall from the top of their head (not their horns or ears) and are covered usually in short to medium fur along their bodies depending on their environment. Their fur can sometimes be a bit coarse if ungroomed. Their fur gets denser in the winter and sheds in late spring.

Clothing & Accessories

Kantis are fond of accessoricing themselves in ways that emphasize their conduits. The same goes for clothing if a Kanti is keen on wearing it but they generally prefer broader pieces like cloaks and coats over overly tailored pieces.

Accessorizing your Kanti is fully welcome, but please do not design clothing, weaponry, or items that closely resemble earnable items on-site if you have not earned them.

  • Clothing of most any style is able to be added to your character's masterlist entry as long as you have a non clothed version also visible. Clothing generally follows a high fantasy style with cloaks, cowls, loose tunics, and hats of all varieties being rather common. Kantis are fond of pieces that display their conduit points well and will not often be seen in ill fitting clothing if they've kept this proud core.
  • Accessories may be composed of fabrics, metals, plant-matter, stone, and other sorts of things, as well as simple gemstones. Cuffs and horn rings are very popular accessories among Kanti.
  • Mechanical props should be kept small, no mechs or other mechanical mounts. (mobility assistants will need to be approved but are welcome)
  • In the same vein, prosthetics are fully welcome and should be composed of polished wood, metals, or other sturdy materials. (Elemental traits will include body parts composed of said element so vine or plant arms won't be approved without the proper items) If a kanti breaks its horn it is often priority to replace them with a prosthetic to keep up appearances.

Weapons & Armor

As is accustomed throughout many of crederia's kingdoms and cities, there will always be a form of celebratory battle either for entertainment, gain, respect, or punishment. For kanti, displaying your magical prowess and strength in battle is one of the quickest way to earn respect from their peers and is often lauded as a right of passage for anyone wanting to prove themselves. Kanti are rather adept at coursing their magic through their weaponry of choice, though are capable of holding their own with their natural weapons as well.
  • Weaponry may be freely designed and should be kept non-magical. Generally swords for knights will have their kingdoms emblem etched into the blade. Kantis fancy decorative grips and engraved pommels.
  • Armor can be composed of plant or animal leathers, metals, stone, etc. Knights and other official guards granted suits by their employers will often have the kingdom or family insignia engraved on the armor in some visible way. Sometimes these insignias come in the form of medallions attacked or worn over the armor. Kanti favor armor of all kinds and are generally able and willing to work as guards, knights, and other physically demanding jobs.
  • Kanti Types & Forms

    Kantis come in various forms or "subtypes" that grant the bearer unique traits or additions. The forms below are achieved through various means, sometimes forced upon its bearer accidentally or through divine or not-so-divine intervention. 

  • Standard | Your traditional Kanti
  • Kirinival | Kirin Kanti
  • Miasmic | Mutated Kanti
  • Revenant | Undead Kanti
  • Ancient | Ancestral Kanti
  • Changeling | Shapeshifting or Monstrous Kanti

    Paths are special subtypes that can be achieved by most who put their mind to it, or by those who've gained the inkling of the bloodline from their lineage. Paths call back to the deities of old, as well as the stories passed down among Crederians as a whole.  Kantis may currently only have one path.

  • Fabled | Unicorn Kanti
  • Wrathful | Draconic Kanti
  • Jeweled | Mermaid & Aquatic Kanti
  • Feyblood | Fey & Fairy Kanti
  • Heraldic | Winged & Feathered Kanti


Visual Trait Index
 Skullcrackers were created by the whim of a lesser deity, who cared so much for the sky they wished it never to be tarnished, and made these small creatures to protect the skies when they would no longer be able to. Skullcrackers are a small and dainty deer-like species with wings adorning their necks. These wings allow them to effortlessly take flight as they run along the clouds. 
These dainty creatures were hidden from the land below for centuries, until the miasma appeared and began to eat away at the land, water, and sky. Unable to stand by the skullcrackers as a whole lent their help to the other inhabitants of the land to keep the miasma at bay. Since then they've slowly intergrated themselves into the towns and cities, exploring the large world that was previously unknown to them.

Their home was originally a valley in the sky, lush fields filled with flora that the sky nurtured. Slowly, after the miasma took part of the world, and as it spread, and the Skullcrackers prepared for the worst, the Miasma did not touch their little valley. Puzzled, and in awe, they realized their flowers were stopping the fumes from reaching them. The elders came together and decided that they could not let the world below suffer alone, if their flowers could be a solution to the slow corruption of the planet, they woudl not stand idle. They took to the skies and landed down below, ready to plant, to cultivate, to share what the sky had given to them,. Several, flowers adorning their bodies, dove into the miasma, hoping to push it back, and stood at the edge of the crator, flowers beautiful beacons in the dark. Because of their effort, the fields once again bloomed and the miasma was pushed back. Their help was invaluable and from then the skullcrackers have had comfortable contact with the beings below, enough that several have made their homes down here.  The lives that were lost traveling through the miasma are remembered through statues that line the border of the miasma, surrounded by the beautiful blooms that stand strong even now. 


Visual Trait Index
Subtypes: Sanctified, Miasmic, Lelokit
A strange plant/mammal hybrid whose tails are adorned with large and beautiful flowers. Lelokos are soft, strange creatures who are adept at bounding and climbing. They are able to choose diets composed of meat, plants, or sunlight alone.  

The first Leloko rose from the grave of an ancient mantibab, having been given life by the magic gifted to the earth. 


Visual Trait Index
Subtypes: Jeweled, Plume


Pawbirds are an intelligent and alien species who one day suddenly arrived. Their ancient library appeared and settled one day and is said to hold all written knowledge, and most spoken knowledge. A curious species who love to travel in search of new experiences.

Pawbirds are currently incomplete, but are able to be purchased and designed!

Additional Species Info

  • Species | Pawbird
  • Terms | Pawb (shorthand)
  • Lifespan | There has been no record of a Pawbird dying. Several have disappeared but no definitive deaths.
  • Diet | Meat matter, plant matter, goo of all kinds, Pawbirds have been known to dabble in all kinds of food, and a few foods Crederians didn't know existed!.
  • Defining Features | Large Arms, rounded heads, Soul markings

Pawbirds have rounded, domed heads that come in a few varieties, feel free to play around with their shape!

Soul Sigil
Pawbirds have a special relationship to their magic, a manifestation of their very souls that manifests as a runic sigil on their chests. These sigils come in many shapes and sizes, with their manifestation happening the moment a Pawbird comes into existance. These markings share the same magical color as their eyes, which both shift to a secondary color when a Pawbird experiences extreme emotion. Sigils give off a soft glow, and depending on the Pawbird, may be warm, or cool to the touch.

Originally, Pawbirds refused to show their soul sigils, finding it exposing, and leaving them vulnerable when it was not covered. This practice has changed in the century or so that Pawbirds have existed within Crederia, with Pawbirds now finding themselves open to showing this sigil off due to the planet itself linking to their souls. Some Pawbs still follow the custom of covering up, only showing their soul sigils to their beloveds, or to family members.

Pawbirds were initially unable to harness the magic that flowed through the earth, gifted with their own innate magics of telekinesis and sparse forms of divination until one fateful day they were suddenly able to use it all with no issue. Pawbirds have since gained the capacity to grow this innate magic in their being into something stronger. The elements of magic are sorted into categories called Alignments, with each alignment named after the being that created it. Pawbirds are only able to harness one alignment naturally, and can attempt to gain mastery and manifest this element upon their bodies.

For a deep dive into their lore, traits, and other info you can take a look on their compendium. Below will be a brief rundown of their history, styling, and explanation of subtypes.

Pawbirds come in shapes big and small, with a variety of body types bulky, slim, and fat. They range from 6' - 7.5' tall from the top of their head (not their horns or ears) and may be velvety soft or fluffy.

Clothing & Accessories

Clothing is commonplace amongst Pawbirds and is commonly used as a means of expressing oneself and their interests, articles of clothing often adorned with embroidery or accessories of things they find interesting.

Accessorizing your pawb is fully welcome, but please do not design clothing, weaponry, or items that closely resemble earnable items on-site if you have not earned them.

  • Clothing of most any style is able to be added to your character's masterlist entry as long as you have a non clothed version also visible. From ill fitting to fully tailored, clothing generally follows a high fantasy style with cloaks, cowls, vests, tunics, and hats of all varieties being rather common.
  • Accessories may be composed of fabrics, metals, plant-matter, stone, and other sorts of things, as well as simple gemstones. Adorning ones horns is very popular.
  • Mechanical props should be kept small, no mechs or other mechanical mounts. (mobility assistants will need to be approved but are welcome)
  • In the same vein, prosthetics are fully welcome and should be composed of polished wood, metals, or other sturdy materials. (Elemental traits will include body parts composed of said element so vine or plant arms won't be approved without the proper items) Snapped horns may have caps on them.

Weapons & Armor

  • Weaponry may be freely designed and should be kept non-magical. Generally swords for knights will have their kingdoms emblem etched into the blade.
  • Armor can be composed of plant or animal leathers, metals, stone, etc. Knights and other official guards granted suits by their employers will often have the kingdom or family insignia engraved on the armor in some visible way. Sometimes these insignias come in the form of medallions attacked or worn over the armor.


⚠️ This species is undergoing a rework ⚠️


⚠️ This species is undergoing a rework ⚠️



⚠️ This species is undergoing a rework ⚠️



Tolls are creatures who bear a similar existance to the fey that live in crederia's strange forests. Their faces are covered by masks that are molded after the whimsical creatures known as Chimes, their entire beings feeling a deep connection to the emotion based creatures. 

⚠️ This species is undergoing a rework ⚠️



⚠️ This species is undergoing a rework ⚠️

Fishy Children

A mammalian looking species that flies through the waters of Crederia. Fishy children (name pending) are large, swift, and beautiful, with numerous soft fins that come in all colors. Their previously scarcely seen species had been found by brave explorers, and through forming bonds opened the seas for others to visit, guiding others to their lovely underwater cities and kingdoms.

⚠️ This species is undergoing a rework ⚠️


⚠️ This species is undergoing a rework ⚠️


⚠️ This species is undergoing a rework ⚠️

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