☄️ Tokens of Resolve

A special currency for Crederian staff. These tokens grant access to Dorem's Lockbox, a special shop held in the Silent Castle, home of a... bard? librarian? friend?
Odd Tokens (Odd)
A curious token only spoken of in hushed voices, said to originate from the vicious curses that Calam promised to the world's inhabitants. Finding them is said to be incredibly difficult, and most warn against seeking them out, lest you change yourself in ways too horrible to speak of. A stange passerby is said to hand them to Crederians filled with pure curiosity.
You can obtain Odd Tokens by:
- 🔹 N/A
Solune Essence

A special currency formed from energy drawn from the celestial bodies themselves. This fragile essence is sought after by a select few who are willing to trade rare goods to obtain it.
This currency is granted to Users who support the site through Patreon. This currency cannot be transfered.
✨ Coins

The traditional currency found and used across Crederia. A simple golden coin that may have the official insignia of the kingdom it originates from. Coins are able to be earned by participating in any prompt, with a few having bonus opportunities. If you don't have a character to call your own or would prefer to do gift art, you can participate in spare change, monthly gift, or raffle entries to earn yourself some coins.
You can obtain Coins in various ways:
- 🔹 5
Coins for each prompt submission.
- 🔹 5 or more
Coins can be earned by participating in the [monthly gift prompt].
- 🔹 1
Coin for submitting personal art to [Spare Change]
- 🔹 2
Coins for submitting gift art to [Spare Change]
- 🔹 Additional
Coins can be earned as bonuses in most prompts, [Bonus Coin Page]
- 🔹 A random amount of
Coins can be earned by participating in Events and Seasonal prompts.
💎 Magia Fragments

These fragments are very sought after by those who deal with the arcane and are used as the currency for special or incredibly difficult to obtain goods. You may find them scarcely but open opportunities for exciting augments for your Crederians.
You can obtain Magia Fragments in a few ways.
- 🔹 1
Magia Fragment for each character quest submission.
- 🔹 2
Magia Fragments for each event prompt submission.
- 🔹 You can roll extra Magia Fragments for participating event prompts on top of the guaranteed 2