Trading In defunct Crederians

Created: 24 May 2024, 03:44:12 UTC
Last updated: 25 October 2024, 22:30:57 UTC
Throughout the years of its inception, Crederia has seen many species arrive into it's lands. A few of these unfortunately did not stay with us and for users who would like to be able to use them in the ARPG,  we have always offered the opportunity to turn defunct species into one of the offered Crederian species.

Which SPecies count as defunct?


A small species that was sold in July 2015. While not a priority, this species is being merged with another and is intended to make a return, albiet with a new look and new concept. They used to be called "FluffButts"



A short lived species debuted in April 2015. This species is being merged with the previous Primas, and will not return.


An anthropomorphic creature with large clawed forearms not unlike Pawbirds. An extremely small amount of designs were sold under this name.

Plush Monsters

A bipedal species with thick furred upper bodies and clawed hands. They held symbolic items in their chest that corrupted each time they fought. This species is being merged in the far future.


A single batch of designs given the title of a "species". 10 designs were sold total, all on this base.
"Does X species count?"
  • If you know of a species on Phloxebutt's account that is not listed as defunct above and is not a part of our permanent roster (listed in the species dropdown), you are welcome to reach out and message us, in some cases we may be open to allow a transfer or trade-in. The species listed are known and were considered "official" species at the time of their sales.
What happens to the old design?
  • You retain ownership of the character and all its variants, but to use them within Crederia, only the new version will be considered and accepted on-site. 
  • If you transfer a design from a species that is planned to merge or upgrade, you lose the ability to obtain the upgraded version of said design.
    • This is important for future Prima owners. Users who own Bobalokas and Primas will automatically be given a character listing with the old design in a capsule for the image. They will get the opportunity to upgrade the designs into the new species completely free if they did not transfer the designs to one of the other species available. 

Special cases

Only some of these may be traded in, please read carefully.


The first species Phloxebutt concepted. They are currently available to be traded in in exchange for an adult MYO of your choice


A humanoid species with a penchant for hiding their tails. These designs were account-locked to the users who recieved them. They are planned to get a heavy rework, and may be traded in to recieve an adult MYO of your choice if you are the original owner.


Fishy Critters

An aquatic species that is planned to recieve a major rehaul. This species may be traded in to recieve an adult MYO of your choice.

A species listed as a pest within the realm of Crederia, taking on the appearance of its strongest species: Mantibabs. Kiplings are planned to convert into a special companion species. They are not available for transfer or trade-in 
Lucky Chimes

A species created by Burrdog. Small floating creatures with bells for heads that fed off of their owners positive emotions in order to stay healthy. This species is planned to convert into a special companion species. They are not available for transfer or trade-in 
Before we continue, please be aware that this action is permanent and cannot be reversed.



Transferring a design

If you have one of the defunct species above, and would like to keep the design but still be able to play in the ARPG, you have the option to transfer that design onto one of the listed active species. Special case species cannot be transferred.

The official species all have traits and rules unique to themselves, and transferred designs will be expected to change design elements to fit them. General design elements can be gently updated, but should follow the old design very closely.
Which Species can we choose from?
  • Kanti, Skullcracker, Leloko, Pawbird
How do I get the MYO?
  • Send in a Claim with a link to your owned design (please include proof of ownership like the original toyhouse listing or something to let us know it belongs to you.)
  • Include your updated design transferred onto one of the appropriate species to use for the masterlist
  • The MYO will be credited to your account with a note about which design is being transferred and you'll be able to upload and make your Crederian official.
    • You may reach out to ask if you can get an myo for a specific design but the MYO will not be credited to your account until you have a masterlist image ready to upload. 
    • The MYO is not tradable but the design is as soon as it's updated. If you trade the upgraded design the original version must be traded along with them.
    • rarities will be matched for your new MYO as closely as possible, and if there is no applicable trait for your defunct design you will be granted an MYO with 3 uncommon traits instead.



Trading in

Both defunct species, and three of the species listed in the "special cases" list are available to be traded in directly in exchange for an MYO.
What Rarity is the MYO?
  • MYOs will match the rarity of your defunct species if rarities are applicable. For unspecified rarities you will recieve an Uncommon MYO that will allow you to freely pick 3 uncommon traits at default. 
Which Species can we choose from?
  • Kanti, Skullcracker, Leloko, Pawbird
How do I get the MYO?
  • Send in a Claim with a link to your owned design and specify that you would like to trade them in. (please include proof of ownership like the original toyhouse listing or something to let us know it belongs to you.)
  • If there is a toyhouse profile or additional files please include them in your message and/or send a transfer to Jawnpai. 
  • Upon confirming proof of ownership and accepting the trade an adult MYO of your choosing (Kanti, Skullcracker, Leloko, Pawbird) will be credited to your account and if applicable, masterlist ownership will be transferred to a staff account. 
  • From there you are free to design  your MYO and submit the design like normal. 
    • Please aquaint yourself with the species before you make your choices, certain species have specific rules that must be followed and revisions may be required. 
    • Once you make your choice we will not reverse trades or selections.