<a href="https://crederia.com/world/items?name=Lost Conduit" class="display-item">Lost Conduit</a>

Lost Conduit


"Be careful if you come across one of these, you don't see one so whole without it containing a lot of magic. Since you're holding it, you must've not been killed by it... what? You didn't know it could do that? It has something to do with "being worthy", but I'm not quite sure what that means."

What was once the conduit of a Kanti lies before you, pale and hollow. The moment your hand touches it smoke pours out the end and a chill envelops you completely, freezing you in place. The cold is reaching, and you feel it crawling through your very veins as it searches for your heart. Just before it reaches it, you feel empty, and are then filled with a sense of acknowledgement.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common Kanti. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.

  •  Use:  
    🔹 This item will allow you to design a common Kanti from the ground up. (Kanti species page | Visual Trait List)
    🔹 Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your Kanti. 

    ❗ Kanti conduits must be a vibrant, saturated color and can't be pale, dull or dark without special trait items, [read about them here!] , look through conduit traits [here] , you can modify conduits with certain traits that you can see [here]