Site News

Winter Greetings

Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by Phloxe


❄️Winter Greetings ❄️

✦ Updates❄️

Happy Winter! The holidays are coming to an end and Crederia has fallen into a calm slumber. We're taking a break and preparing for our next event in the spring in order to catch up with updating missing pages, artwork, descriptions, and the like. Here's to a new year chock full of great opportunities!

✦ The King's Farewell

The Autumn King has had his fill of attention, awe, fear, and all around entertainment, and has decided it's about time he take his leave. It's not because a certain winter being has demanded he stop keeping Crederia in Autumn when winter was due a month ago. It's no matter, there is always next year to open his doors once agian to the public. He knows you had a wonderful time because he had a wonderful time. Who wouldn't be happy to come back next year and deliver even more gifts to him? 

As you exit his home, a few scenarios are possible. Some are dropped out of the red door seemingly moments after they'd left, a hot cup of tea left behind just barely beginning to cool. Others have paradoxically been dropped up to a week in the past and should be sure not to engage their time doubles, but otherwise are left to enjoy their week as it would have been without the Autumn King's invitation.  The unluckiest few may have walked out of those doors, no matter if they walked out with a friend or partner, and found themselves stepping into an empty snowscape. A month has come and gone, and now some are having to explain to loved ones that no they weren't exactly taken against their will...

That is where we find ourselves now. Noel has arrived and partaken in the feast... or should I say feasts! Celebrations were had in each town and kingdom as they began their yearly journey bringing good fortune and hand crafted toys to all the young crederians (and many of the older ones too). 

It seemed to have passed faster than anyone thought possible, and the more brazen Crederians blamed The Autumn King for dragging his paws before ending the fall season (though no one dared utter it out loud). Noel bid farewell while all of Crederia slept, reciting an old story that was carried on the wind and into the dreams of many. 

"We begin our tale with a Prince(ss) who fell in love with a star in the sky...
"...spent years speaking loving words to the twinkling creature, reciting poetry, reading books, playing music, anything that would reach their ears...
"The illness came quick, and there was very little any of the Monarch's medics or magicians could do for the poor Prince(ss).
"...and as they laid in that dark room they uttered one final plea, 'My dying to see you one more time...' and you would not believe how powerful the magic in that one wish was. The star began to fall, faster and faster to reach their beloved's bedside before it was too late... 
"And as the star gazed upon the Prince(ss) whose coat was growing darker by the second, they begged whatever deity granted them life to take it back and give it to their love instead.
"Ah, do not fret, this is not a tragic tale. The deity was moved by the pleas of both babs, and did as they were asked. They wrenched the star's near immortal life and split it in two. The Prince(ss) lived once more, although their coat retained the dark fur that nearly overtook them. Even now, if you walk through the woods on a calm snowy evening, you can hear laughter from the two individuals who were granted eternal love."

A soft story of a mantibab who fell in love with a star. A star who loved in return and through this mutual desire managed to turn corporeal, and then... mortal.

Noel loves to tell tales, and for all we know these mantibabs never existed as they say they did. Who's to say? You are, actually. The flavor text above can be just that! 
[Click here to be taken to the auction!]

✦ Winter raffle

A small, fluffy leloko trudges out from a puff of snow that's fallen on it. Unlike it's fellow Lelokos who have begun their hibernation, this one is particularly suited to the winter climate, comfortable and warm as they spend their days as normally as any other crederian.

How to enter? 

Participate in the Raffle prompt! Like all our raffles you may earn 2 tickets max. You can find the prompt [Here]

Deadline: January  31st, 11:59pm PST
Crederian | Under the MISTLETOE


Additional Prizes

x1 Winter Trait of your choice
x2 Rare Trait Vial

If we reach 50 participants another winter trait of choice will be added!


Winter has blanketed crederia and delivered a few special traits thanks to the pair of mantibabs above~ Magical winter blooms, velvet covered antlers, and twinkling winter stars are here. More traits are sure to follow. If you're interested in snagging one be sure to take part in January's raffle!




✦ Final words

November and December have been incredibly exciting, I missed much of the latter due to being incredibly sick, but we are back and raring to make spring a fun event! Thank you to all who gifted the king, and who participarted in the bounty of autumn with us. We hope it was fun getting snippets of the world! More is soon to come as soon as some final prep is done!

Art & Writing: Phloxe
Additional Writing: Burr

Fall Happenings | Updates

Posted 11 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by Phloxe


🎃(End Of) OCtober news 🎃

✦ Updates🎃

Happy October! Halloween is right around the corner and to beat it to the punch we're here with a bunch of news! While october is leaving us by, more fall updates are to come, so lets get on with it!

✦ October raffle

A Mantibab stumbles into view, tripping over just about every obstacle in their way. Perhaps it's because their hair is covering their eyes, but they won't tell~

Additional info can be found [Here]

How to enter? 

Participate in any Autumn Prompt or Draw gift art for another user! Each prompt will earn you 1 entry into the raffle.

If drawing gift art for another user you may earn up to 2 entries max like normal. If you would like additional entries, you may participate in any Autumn Prompt for upwards of 2 additional entries.


For this raffle, each winner rolled will have their choice of reward starting from the first winner, until no prizes are left.

Deadline: December 15th, 11:59pm PST
Crederian | Frightful jubilee


Additional Prizes


x1 Star Drops
x1 Coat Shift or Uncommon Trait Vial
x2 Rare Trait Vials
x1 Rare Alignment Grimoire
x1??? Unlocked if we reach 50 entries
x1??? Unlocked if we reach 100 entries


🎃 Click here to be taken to the sale page on DA! 🎃

Joyful has made their way back from wherever they go each autumn's end, and they've come back with another adopt gacha!
"A sack of clearly magical origin is dropped in front of you. It shakes and howls viciously, held together by a simple red cord. Would you like to reach a hand in? They don't bite~ Maybe you'll come out with a new friend! Is it safe? Your very special friend Joyful would never put you in any sort of danger!" 

  • Each roll is $250 via paypal
  • 2 rolls per person for the first 24 hours, after which the limitation will be lifted.
  • Each pull, upon rolling, will result in a single randomly selected design 
  • All designs have an equal chance of being pulled.
  • There are 15 designs by Phloxe, Burr, Lieu, and special guest designer Bakehebi! 
  • Designs include: 4 Mantibabs, 4 Kanti, 2 Leloko, 2 Skullcrackers, and 3 Pawbirds.
  • A Gacha Swap channel will be temporarily available in the discord for those who would like to swap their designs!

  • Mantibabs, Kanti, Skullcracker, Leloko, and Pawbirds have revealed all their common traits, which should be available  through their individual visual trait indexes. Just follow these steps for the species you want to browse through and you'll find 'em! (note: most traits will also have a written description if you click on them with additional information and rules, so be sure to click through and see what they're all about!) Additional info, traits, updates to existing traits, and more will be rolling out through fall, but for now! enjoy!


  • An incomplete amount of new and old uncommon and rare traits are available for certain traits across the available five species, with more to be uploaded these upcoming next months. Here are a few of them!



The Astrael Guild Hall has opened it's doors once more to the public, known simply as the meeting point for all adventurers new and experienced. They take pride in the care they offer, whether medical or clerical. They are organized and prepared for any rambunctious group that decides they're ready for Adventure! They're still recovering from a terrible ordeal where some newbies got into the artifact room and blew up more than a few sections of the guild hall, unleashing an untold evil that we really hope won't come back to bite us in the butt........ ahem. Enough of that,  our lost records and innumerable losses aside, we're dedicated to staying open so you're not left out in the cold! If this is your first time experiencing any of this please be sure to pick up your gift box! It'll have a little something to get you started around here.

  • The FTO Baby MYO Gift Box has arrived! If you do not own a crederian be sure to pick this up! It will contain ONE RANDOM BABY MYO that will be rolled upon opening the box! Only one is available per FTO account and cannot be gifted, traded, or sold! 
  • Upon recieving your MYO, be sure to head on over to the species tab to look through your available choices: Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcracker, Leloko, and Pawbird.
  • If you have any questions about building your MYO, please make your way here, or send a message in the discord!
✦New items! |

Mostly editing items gaining their shiny new appearances, with a special bottle of star drops teetering on the end of the shelf! Click through for additional info.



The editing guide (Glamour's Salon)  has been updated and made available, detailing the specific rules and allowances for all Crederian species with additional specifics for the Mantibab species. The rest of the available species follow the same general rules, but do not have the same color rules that Mantibabs do. Additions will be made to the guide in the upcoming months, but it gives a run down of the editing items in Prie's Goods and what they do when applied.


✦ Final words

This year did not bring a series of large individual adopts, but that's what next year is for! I hope you enjoy the gacha and it's goodies, and have a wonderful Halloween here in a few days. As always, I'm excited for what the future brings, and for now I hope these goodies are sweet enough to keep you from playing  too many tricks! 🎃🎃🎃 (time. to rest. my hands.)

Art & Writing: Phloxe
Additional Writing: Burr

Autumn King's Tidings [Part 2]

Posted 11 months ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by Phloxe

🍂✦ The Autumn King's tidings [Part2]

The 20th has arrived, and with it, so has the door to The Autumn King's home~ We hope to see you there. After all, you've been working so hard on a gift this whole time, right? 

"So, What have you brought?"


✦Trait updates | 🍂

AKT part 2 brings with it a variety of new Fall traits! Each of these have a chance to be rolled when you complete the prompt! (one is currently missing it's icon but you can find them all if you browse [here])

A few missing traits have also found their way onto the site, all uncommon, all tails!

  • If you have a mantibab with a mini-corkscrew tail that has no tail listed, or has a tail listed as the upgraded "corkscrew" tail but do not want that trait, please send in a claim with a link to your mantibab and you will recieve a rare trait vial to apply to that character.



The party has commenced and it's time to dance~ Familliar and strange faces can be seen in the arriving crowds of Crederians, why not lounge and make some new friends? Thank you for the wonderful participation so far, I hope you enjoy your time in the Autumn King's home, until next time~

Art & Writing: Phloxe

November Events

Posted 11 months ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by Phloxe


🍂November Events 🍂

✦ Updates🍂

Happy Fall! Our autumn prompts have arrived and with them, a small event!

✦ The Autumn King's tidings

Crederia's mirthful Autumn King has made his arrival fashionably late, or at least that's what people would say if they dared to insult the King by insinuating he could ever be late to anything.... regardless! Autumn has arrived and with it, an invitation~ [Why don't you go and take a look?]  This will be a two prompt event, with the opportunity for bonus coins, or a bonus item!


✦autumn prompts |

Our seasonal prompts are here and due to their late arrival, will be extending all the way until December 15th! You can click on any of the titles below or go directly to the seasonal prompt page [here] Autumn prompts will additionally reward you with a raffle ticket to our current raffle the first two times you complete them on top of the normal completion rewards, so happy harvesting!

🍂Autumn Harvest: 
  • The Autumn crops are flourishing! Depict your Crederian participating in this year's harvest. Gourds, corn, wheat, and other crops are just waiting to be harvested! Give them a basket, a satchel, a cornocopia, even an overturned hat!

🍂Apple picking: 
  • Depict your crederian picking their favorite fruits! Are they strong? How many do they end up picking? Do they take too much? Careful now, those things can be wobbly.

🍂Back to school: 
  • It's time to go back to school! What kind of school does your Crederian attend? The various schoolings are open to all, and signups were a few weeks ago. Draw your crederian in a fantasy school setting on their first day back to school.





The autumn king has made his arrival and soon, there will be a party! More worldbuilding is to come, and most excitingly, I will be debuting part of the world map, so stay tuned! In the meantime, stop on by and smell the pumpkins, or corn... or... leaves? Ta ta~

Art & Writing: Phloxe

April Raffle 2023

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Phloxe


🌼 April Raffle🌼

✦ Golden Bell!

To welcome April and all that spring has to bring, this Leloko has shown up looking for a new home!

Additional info can be found [Here]

Deadline: April 30th, 11:59pm PST
Max 2 entries per user

Crederian to be raffled

"Golden Bell"
Leloko - 010

Additional Prizes to be rolled

Heterochromatic Sight Contacts
x2 Uncommon Trait Vials

April Showers | Updates

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Phloxe


🌼April news 🌼

✦ Updates 

February brings us closer than ever to the official launch, or at least fully stocked launch! Prompts are open to peruse and participate in and  you all blew me away with the raffle participation! I hope you're excited to know that we have another friend coyly making their appearance this month!
  • Thank you so much to Vaitael for uploading all Kantis, Skullcrackers, Lelokos, and Pawbirds to the site! You can click on any species here if you wanna take a look!
  • All common - rare Kanti traits have been uploaded for your viewing pleasure, and includes a few new traits that those over in the discord got to see accounced earlier last month!
  • Skullcracker traits have begun their organization but those are being halted to focus on mantibabs a bit more for the time being

✦ Current to do 

As we head into April, there will be a bit of a mad dash to finish a few things for the site as our household prepares for a large move early may, that means certain features like the redesign-check-in and design updates may be a little late depending on the time constraints. 

A few specifics we are working towards:

  • Mantibab specific updates (seasonal traits, coat traits, subtype defining)
  • Site header, shop images, item art
  • Coin reward restructuring

An april batch of crederians is on the horizon as well! A few spring sales before we're swept up in the hustle and bustle of the move. The batch will feature Mantibabs, Skullcrackers, and Lelokos~


✦ Final words

I hope to bring exciting things once our move is finalized, crossing state lines is exciting and being able to give this site more time and energy is going to be my biggest goal! Thank you all for continuing on with me!

Valentine Happenings | Updates

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Phloxe


💘 Happy Valentines & february news 💘

✦ Updates 

February brings us closer than ever to the official launch, or at least fully stocked launch! Prompts are open to peruse and participate in and  you all blew me away with the raffle participation! I hope you're excited to know that we have another friend coyly making their appearance this month!
  • Our lovely mod Lieu has transferred member bank amounts from deviantart to their Crederia accounts! If you've been missed or have only recently made an account and have an existing bank amount on da please submit a claim or post in the #help channel over on the discord!
  • Background has been recovered, polished, and re-added!
  • Several traits have been added to the site, including the Pastel CoatUmbra Coat, Pastel Hafling, and Umbra halfling traits.
  • Newly defined Gilded traits have been added to the whimsical pool along with the classic Wing Tufts that have appeared a few times! 

✦ Current to do 

As February hits the mid point, we are attempting to fill the last bits to really present this site as being more polished. We've had a few sales, a welcoming raffle, and soon I hope to have most of the missing images applied onto the items and traits that require them!

A few specifics we are working towards:

  • Finish item art for visible stores
  • Polish and upload header
  • Give images to coat and whimsical traits
  • Upload seasonal traits for spring - summer (with images)
  • Apply rarity updates and traits to babs that are still missing them 
  • Upload kanti and skullcracker masterlists.


✦ Final words

Thank you for the pariticipation and love you've shown to these species! I know it's a love filled day today and I'm really feeling it! I hope you continue to enjoy what I've had prepared for you and I'm striving to polish up all the rough edges as fast as i can. Onto spring and the delightful things it brings~


💘 February Raffle 💘

✦ Lovestruck!

February also brings the debut of an older bab who has come out just in time for the lovely season! This raffle, like the last, is a draw-to-enter raffle that will require you to draw a small gift for another member of Crederia~ 

Deadline: March 16th, 11:59 PST
Max 2 entries per user
Additional info can be found [Here]

Crederian to be raffled

Mantibab - 774

Additional Prizes to be rolled

Rare Light Gaze Eye trait
Rare Meow Ear trait
Sweetheart Wing Trait (skullcracker only)

Welcome & December Raffle

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Phloxe

Welcome to Crederia!

Hello and welcome to the humble beginnings of the Crederia ARPG! Though there is still much to do, things have been set in motion and we're almost ready to officially open!  I warmly welcome any and all who've chosen to come along for the ride, so from me to you: Thank You!

Projected opening date: Early to mid January


A modest amount of general prompts from character building to fun challenges have been added. Prompt submissions can now be accessed by admins and current known bugs have been fixed. You can access prompts at this link. 
currently active: 

  • Seasonal
  • General Prompts
  • Growing Up
  • Character Quests
  • Spare Change

Winter specific prompts are still being added but for the time being if you participate in the ones available you'll have the chance to earn a few extra coins thanks to the winter bonus! 

Prompts may be entered with any crederian species, we just require a link to said characters official masterlist entry on Phloxetique (If participating with a mantibab you must include the on-site character!)

Additionally, current Mantibab masterlist is not fully up to date on it's trait listings. Some traits need to be added to the site as well as most coat rarities (umbra, blessed) not being applied to the babs that require them. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask us in the discord!

That's all from me in the meantime. Happy adventuring!


December Raffle

♦ Prehistoric Prowler


As a gift to the Crederia site, our lovely mod Vaitael has found this wild creature prowling about! A special holiday raffle with more than a few goodies available courtesy of Noelle~

Deadline: January 30th, 11:59 PST
Max 2 entries per user
Additional info can be found [Here]
Hope you enjoy!

Crederian to be raffled

Prehistoric Prowler
Mantibab - 769

Additional Prizes to be rolled

Common MYO Crederian
x2 Rare Trait Vials
x3 Uncommon Trait Vials
x2 20  Coin Bundles