Event: Florabell Faire [Part 2]
Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by Phloxe🌼April Events 🌼
✦ Updates🌼
✦ The Florabell Faire ✦
The time has come for the fairgrounds to open. The everblooming tree stands full and tall, soft blossoms and petals raining down on the newly arriving guests as they make their way through. The lelokos are delivered and set at the table, warming under the sun as the scents of various foods waft into their sleepy noses.
Each section of the prompt has a dropdown for each section, be sure to click through so see all the faire has to offer! You will find:
The Feast is for all food lovers out there, or for any hungry leloko who's made the long trek and is ready to stuff themselves.
The Games offer variety for the lax or the competitive, with each game able to vary difficulty to be accessible for all ages and capabilities.
The Joust is the main feature of the faire, a highly competitive sport overseen by judges and royals alike! The winner gets a special prize~
[Click to be taken to Part 2 Here]
In order to participate in part 2, you'll have to have participated in [part 1]!
✦Seasonal Shop |
An extra stall has been found within the fairgrounds, a bit off to the side away from the hustle and bustle. You think you turned the wrong corner back there and move to turn before you see the paw beckoining you from the shadows of the stall. A stange Crederian greets you...
Our seasonal shop is open! This travelling merchant is odd and appears to be completely neutral about having so many high end magical items, but if you don't question it you'll be fine~ The shop contains all of the spring trait items available at the moment alongside all of the Valentines traits of last season due to the seasonal shop not being available then. A small fee is added for "out of season" traits. Magia Fragments can be earned from Event, Seasonal, and Quest prompts! Certain other items may find their way in there later in the month.
The shop closes May 31st 11:59PM PST. Click the shield below to be taken directly to it!
✦ Patreon
As we wind towards the end of spring, and the Faire is in full swing, there is still much to do. This site continues to be filled with info, items, traits, and will soon have lore placed properly amongst its pages. There are extensions to add, code to fiddle with, pages to write up, traits to finish, items to refine, and art to draw! My priority continues to be asset work, and as i've poured hours into creating every asset on site thus far and still working towards filling the rest, I realize that time is still something I'm fighting. If you would like to support the site and allow me more time to devote to it, and perhaps help decide what I work on next, then I humbly invite you to:
[The Crederia Patreon!]
Things are still being figured out, but anything and everything that is subject to change will be talked about beforehand. In the meantime I hope you enjoy the incentives! The first MYO sale will have 5 slots and will take place during the final week of april. The slots will be announced beforehand with info before being put up for sale.
Solune Essence
"A special currency formed from energy drawn from the celestial bodies themselves. This fragile essence is sought after by a select few who are willing to trade rare goods to obtain it."
To say thanks to those who choose to patron, a special currency is being developed that will allow you to purchase various specialty items in their own unique shop, which is still in development. If you are interested in this currency exclusively, I recommend waiting for the shop to roll around before making the decision to become a patron!
The Florabell Faire has been a tremedously exciting event for me to depict! I didn't get the chance to finish everything before april rushed on by and I couldn't hold off on uploading this any longer. Be on the lookout for more news once may rolls around, and thanks for accompanying me! Hope you enjoy the Faire!
Art & Writing: Phloxe