Glamour's Salon

Created: 13 January 2023, 08:34:29 UTC
Last updated: 7 February 2023, 01:36:07 UTC
Hello Darling~

You've come to spruce yourself up a bit? Delightful! Please let me show you around~ I’ll go in depth on the ins and outs of what’s available and share information on all the ways you can change your Credarian’s design. Not a Mantibab like me? Relax. I’ve got other species covered too.

If you have more questions, others are happy to help you over on the [Discord!]


If you're looking to make an MYO go [here] instead!


Getting Started

Before we get started there are a few rules to go over.

  • You must be the current owner of any design  you submit an edit for.
  • Artwork must be in full color and should clearly depict all important traits. This artwork, if approved, will become the new masterlist image. (concept edits are allowed via the discord for approval but please only submit official changes with an image you intend to have as the masterlist image.) 
  • You may make minor edits to Phloxebutt's original artwork if it follows the guidelines on this page. 
  • Unapproved edits should not be offered in any trade or sale listings. 
  • Please include a list of the changes made in the comments of your submission.
  • Please allow for a week's time from posting to get a response, any longer and you are free to dm a mod or ping in the discord.

What Can't change? 

At the moment:

  • Species cannot be changed
  • Subtypes cannot be swapped or removed.
  • Alignments cannot be changed or removed.
  • Mythical traits and traits of higher rarity cannot be swapped, this includes "path", "odd", and "whimsical" traits, among others.
  • Characters cannot be fully greyscale, this includes "all white" or "all black" designs. Mantibabs have a stronger color restriction and we will go into detail on that below.


General Edit Guide


Now for the fun stuff~ Sorry if i'm a bit long winded.

I'll be demonstrating everything with the help of this fine fellow. Their coat is starting off a vibrant blue and their traits are all Common.


Free Markings, and Free Edits

These are general changes you can make to any Crederian without the use of an item!
Free markings should be kept minimal. All shifted, changed, or added colors must be taken from the design's pre-existing palette.
Fur may be styled and extended within reason. Mantibabs cannot grow fur on their arms past the elbow nub.



1: Small Ear Tips

2: Small Cosmetics: Eye Outlines, "Lipstick", Nostril Outlines, a Beauty Mark, etc. 
2: Change Hair color

3: [Add-on Speckles]: Should Not be Mistaken for [Powdered Sugar] Spots

4: Small Tail Tip

5: Thin Outlines on Nubs or Cheek Circles.

6: Toe Outlines

7: Modify Hair: Stripes, A Gradient, or Split hair, etc...

8: Extend a Small Marking. 

9: Adding a Lighter/Darker* outline for depth.

10: Adding Subtle Mottling in a Small Area.

11: Develop a Similar Sized Marking in a Different Style: Tighter swirl, subtle striping, etc.

12: Extend a Small Marking.

13: Add or Adjust a Subtle Gradient: Tail, Toes, Snout, Ears, or Chest.
13: Change Claw Color

*Pastels and white/off white, while allowed, may be restricted if your mantibab has reached it's pastel threshhold.
*Dull and dark hues are restricted for Mantibabs, and may not be applied without the proper trait item.

Pastel Threshholds

(for mantibabs only)

If you add pastel or white to a Mantibab, read this section thoroughly!

Mantibabs are a vibrant species, saturated hues adorn their coats and they are very whimsical creatures. While pastel coats are available as upgrades, they have their own set of rules. For this example we are looking at a standard, common Mantibab.

Wondering why these restrictions exist? Enjoy some bab lore [here]! 

(click and drag the image to your URL bar for a larger version)




Darling, do note that "Pastel" includes white, off white, and conventionally pastel hues. This trio of colors are treated equally and they all count toward the "Pastel" threshold. If your Mantibab has reached its "Pastel" threshold, you cannot add any more.

Now if you have yourself a Full Pastel, Halfling, or Dull/Umbra Mantibab, and you want to make an edit, please go [HERE].


Design Edit Items


Unfortunately, Prie has made themself quite popular, and as such I've had the task of educating Crederians on what exactly they're getting into when purchasing their potions and spells. Here I'll be explaining each and every one of their strange concoctions. 


Accent Color Shift

Accents are core parts of a Crederian's design that often have some lore significance. The Accent Color Shift item will allow you to swap the color to any available color of the appropriate rarity. Please double check a species to see if your particular color choice is allowed. 

Detail Brush

A detail brush allows for the removal or addition of a marking. Underbellies, socks, stripes, and the like. The magic is weak so one marking is the most it can do.

Marking Stencil

An item unique to Mantibabs. This allows you to change the color of your spots to any appropriate color for your rarity. This color does not need to be a part of the original palette and may be a gradient, multicolored, or solid color. Note that vibrant rainbow gradients (solid or blended) are a higher rarity. If you have multiple spot styles (as in traits), you will need a marking stencil for each one.

Subtle Shift

An item that allows for a subtle color change of a single marking (underbelly, blanket, under ear, socks, masks, etc) or allows for the addition of an existing color to an accent marking (underbelly, blanket, under ear, socks, mask, etc). You may use this item to subtly edit a portion of the base coat. For Mantibabs you may not use the second example on the base coat due to their color rules.

Minor Modification

This item lets you edit 15% of your Crederian's coat within their appropriate rarity. It can override the necessity for multiple individual items. This item may only be used up to two times per Crederian, and may not be used on a design that has had Coat Shift and Potion of Renewed Life applied to it before. 

Coat Shift

A larger version of Minor Modification, allowing for 35% of your Crederian's coat to be edited within their appropriate rarity. This item may only be used once per Crederian, and may not be used on a design that has had Minor Modification or Potion of Renewed Life applied to it before.



Feeling particularly out of sorts? Really looking to reinvent yourself? I think you're beautiful darling but I understand the need for a refresh. You didn't hear this from me, but there is a lovely Kanti whose shop has a particular item that'll do the trick. We call it the Potion of Renewed Life.


Potion of Renewed Life

The potion of renewed life offers you a heavy rework of your crederian, with almost a complete redesign available. There are a few limitations however and we'll go over them here. If a percentage were to be assigned to the allowed changes, it would be roughly 75%, but we won't work with percentages and instead look at the essence of these renewed designs.