Event: The Florabell Faire [Part One]

Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by Phloxe


🌼March Events 🌼

✦ Updates🌼

Hello Spring! The snow has melted and the trees are shaking dry their branches and reaching for the sun. The crisp air brings with it knowledge that soon, the flowers will be back in bloom and Lelokos will be much more active!

✦ Starting map

Crederia is composed of three major landmasses, with the location of two having been lost after the world calamities arrived. Since then, contact has been cut with all but our main setting, aptly called... The First Continent
The map of The First Continent is large, and to begin the unveiling we're starting with the centermost portion, the Kingdom of Lothain, where a myriad of towns and their inhabitants can be found. Take a walk through the fields, encounter beasts, meet friend and foe, and adventure! More updates (and visuals) are soon to follow, but if you'd like to peruse the town info have a [read over here!] Lothain is where Spring's event takes place, surrounding a small fairground called Lere. Preparations must be made to welcome in the spring, the blooms, the Lelokos, and...

✦ The Florabell Faire

The snow has melted, spring has arrived, and the lack of Lelokos is about to be changed in an overwhelmingly large but slow way. You hear the resounding horns of Crederians delivering special mail, usually reserved for Big events. The horns pass by and after a few moments more you head over and open the door. A flyer is folded neatly on your doorstep. The Florabell Faire preparations are underway to welcome the Lelokos out of hibernation, and to celebrate the reappearance of the flowers that have been slumbering during the winter months. The kingdom is offering pay and free entry to the festival for anyone willing to volunteer their time helping set up. Games, Merriment, Challenges! Excitement courses through you, and before you get too restless you read through what sort of jobs are available...

 [Read the Event Page Here!] 

This will be a two part event, with the opportunity for bonus coins, or a bonus item! Some items will only be available during part 2!


✦Spring prompts |

Our seasonal prompts have returned with a little extra flavor! You can click on any of the titles below or go directly to the seasonal prompt page [here] Seasonal prompts reward an extra (randomized) coin amount for participating!

🌼Creation of Blooms: 
  • The flowers are back! Design a flower or plant based on your crederian!
🌼Morning Dew: 
  • Depict your crederian enjoying a misty morning, The morning is soft and chilly, and you're gonna enjoy it. 
🌼Spring Cleaning: 
  • It's time to clean your (crederian's) home! And to figure out what it looks like! Do they live in a house? a mansion? a den? a cave? a... dungeon? 


  • Spring traits have rolled out! Some got visual updates and others are completely new! (if you don't see some you think are missing don't worry! they exist but didn't get an update) Take a look, which one's your favorite? If you hope to snag one up check out the event prompt! 


✦New items! |

Spring brings... items! The Florabell Faire is host to many delicious treats, with a select few being filled with a bit of extra magic that may unlock something special! For the time being, Part 1 will have a chance of nabbing a bottle of Carahoria Juice! Click through for additional info! (Some icons are temporary and will be updated in the future)



February's Raffle ends on March 3rd, at 11:59 PM PST, so get those last minute entries in! You can find the raffle [over here]



This has been a long time coming! The map gave the biggest issues with things needing to be juuust right, and eventually being quite large;;;; Maybe too large to roll out all at once, so enjoy learning about the world you inhabit! Things will be developing a lot this year, and i'm really excited for it! There's a lot I want to do for crederia, but I'm one guy, so i appreciate the patience as things go slowly! Maybe this year is the year I bring on more staff! (thank you burr and lieu!)

Art & Writing: Phloxe



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