
Sunlit Eyes

Sunlit Eyes (★ Seasonal)

Category: Miscellaneous


  • Trait:  
    🔹 Causes a sun-like ring to appear around the existing pupil, often accompanied by a swirl in the center of the eye.
    🔹 The ring and its points are always yellow - orange in hue, mirroring a bright or blazing sun. 

    ❗ Other eyes may be combined with this in order to change the eye even further (light's gaze, halo, mismatched, etc)
    ❗ Pale yellow is allowed, but should not lean too close to cream/off-white or pure white.

Shaped Pupils

Shaped Pupils (Enchanted)

Category: Miscellaneous


  • Trait:  
    🔹 Transforms the pupil to a simple solid shape. The shape may be accompanied by a colorful outline. 
    🔹 Shapes must be unbroken and solid and should follow the standard eye rules of the species the trait is being applied to. 

    ❗ Other eyes may be combined with this in order to change the eye even further (light's gaze, halo, mismatched, etc)
    ❗ Shapes should not resemble pupils of other rarities (heart-shaped among others)

Standard Paws

Standard Paws (★ Common)

Category: Miscellaneous
Species: Skullcracker


  • ...:  
    🔹 ...

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Dainty (★ Rare)

Category: Miscellaneous
Species: Skullcracker


  • ...:  
    🔹 ...

    ❗ ...
Topsy Turvy

Topsy Turvy (★ Uncommon)

Category: Miscellaneous
Species: Skullcracker


  • ...:  
    🔹 ...

    ❗ ...

Banded (★ Uncommon)

Category: Miscellaneous
Species: Skullcracker


  • ...:  
    🔹 ...

    ❗ ...

Wild (★ Uncommon)

Category: Miscellaneous
Species: Skullcracker


  • ...:  
    🔹 ...

    ❗ ...


Death's Touch

Death's Touch (★ Mythical)

Category: Afflictions
Species: Mantibab

A brush with dead or perhaps an encounter with an unsavory character left your Mantibab with a physical reminder of their experience. This reminder manifested in the form of a dark, almost scorched mark that brings with it an unsettling chill.

  •  Death's Touch:
    Causes a dark scratchy mark to appear on a single portion of your mantibab. 
    🔹 The mark is darkest at it's origin point, blending outwards towards the natural coat colors.
    🔹 This mark has scratchy edges that crawl along the afflicted area, giving the mark a scorched appearance.
    🔹 Dark bags appear under the bab's eye in exhaustion of having overcome their ordeal, leaving a permanent mark.

    ❗ Death's Touch should cover no more than ~10% of your  Crederian.
    ❗ This trait allows for a single connected marking to appear on your bab, but may end in a few scattered "scratches" close to the origin.
    ❗  This trait may be stacked as long as each use is uniquely placed and not used in an attempt to make a mantibab's coat seamlessly "black"


  • Scarring:
    When Death's Touch covers an existing scar, it sucks whatever color may have existed out and causes it to turn pitch black, a faint glittering visible when looked at closely.
    🔹 The deeper the scar, the more it glitters.

    ❗ Scars will only turn pitch black if death's touch covers it, otherwise the scar will gradient to it's natural hue.

Death's Horns

Death's Horns (★ Mythical)

Category: Afflictions
Species: Mantibab

A brush with dead or perhaps an encounter with an unsavory character left your Mantibab with a physical reminder of their experience. This reminder manifested in the form of a dark, almost scorched mark that brings with it an unsettling chill...

With this brush of death, it seems your bab has contracted more than a simple sickness, with their bones aching and magic surging painfully. You thought they weren't going to make it, and then they did, but not without loss.

  •  Death's Horns:
    Causes your mantibab's horns to crack, pitch at their tips, with a glowing internal core that surges with magic, visible through holes broken through the horns.
    🔹 The horns crack as a gem would, faceted and craggly. The inner core glows with vibrant mana.
    🔹 Wracked with pain, the horn is an unfortunate outcome of an experience that should have meant death.
    🔹 If chosen to affect a single horn your mantibab will automatically have the Mismatched Horns trait applied to their character.

    ❗ Internal core should be a highly saturated version of one accent color. (also considered as your bab's mana color)
    ❗ If used with a horn trait of higher rarity than common, be sure that your mantibab has that trait applied or a potion of appropriate rarity in your submission.
Doomed Desire

Doomed Desire (★ Seasonal)

Category: Afflictions

The severity of your love has manifested upon your chest, what poor creature has caught your eye? 

  •  Doomed Desire:
    🔹 A bundle of heart-shaped mana appears on your chest created from the power of your love. 
    🔹 This mana seeps and coils around you. Heart shaped wisps detatch and dissapate in the air. 
    🔹 Your Crederian's eye mirrors the mana, gaining the same light motes and moving colors within.

    ❗ Mana must be a saturated hue of some kind.
    ❗ This trait may be depicted as just the mana heart on the chest if desired, but cannot be without it.

Gilded Markings

Gilded Markings (Enchanted)

Category: Modifier

The result of a skilled enchanter or perhaps a gift from a passing fey has caused a part of you to gain a reflective sheen as smooth and durable as metal. Your coat has gained a peculiar enchantment that resembles polished metal! A popular augmentation amongst the fashionable, the noble, the ethereal.

  •  Gilded:
    Allows for markings on the body to take on a reflective, metallic texture. 
    🔹 Gilded markings may replace existing spots and stripes or come in the form of new additional markings. 
    🔹 Scales may take a golden edge or design, with a few sparse solid metallic scales scattered amongst the rest.

    ❗ Gilded markings should cover no more than 15 - 20% of your  Crederian.
    ❗ Gilded colors may be warm or cool, and should most resemble gold and silver. Pure white ("Platinum"), and dark are not acceptible color ranges.
    ❗ Markings cannot be condensed to create solid gold limbs/scales/hair. 

Below is the general maximum coverage.

Gilded Accents

Gilded Accents (Enchanted)

Category: Modifier

The result of a skilled enchanter or perhaps a gift from a passing fey has caused your accents to gain a reflective sheen as smooth and durable as metal. A popular augmentation amongst the fashionable, the noble, the ethereal.

  •  Gilded:
    Allows for Accents on the body to take on a reflective, metallic texture. 
    🔹 You may choose to augment all, or just a few of your Crederian's accents to take on the metallic sheen.

    ❗ Horns and paws must be gilded in a pair unless the appropriate "mismatched" trait is applied alongside it.
    ❗ Gilded colors may be warm or cool, and should most resemble gold and silver. Pure white ("Platinum"), and dark are not acceptible color ranges.


  • On Mantibabs:
    Accents include: Horns, Cheeks, Elbow/Ankle Nubs, and Pawpads

Gilded Bone

Gilded Bone (Enchanted)

Category: Modifier

The result of a skilled enchanter or perhaps a gift from a passing fey has caused your teeth and claws to gain a reflective sheen as smooth and durable as metal. A popular augmentation amongst the fashionable, the noble, the ethereal. It is said the enchantment doesn't reach the internal skeleton, though most have not seen this first hand.

  •  Gilded:
    Allows for teeth & claws to take on a reflective, metallic texture. 
    🔹 You may choose to augment both, or just one of your Crederian's features to take on the metallic sheen.

    ❗ Gilded colors may be warm or cool, and should most resemble gold and silver. Pure white ("Platinum"), and dark are not acceptible color ranges.

Subtle Gradient Conduit

Subtle Gradient Conduit (★ Common)

Category: Modifier
Species: Kanti


Kanti Conduits are composed of the mana that runs through a Kanti's body. They manifest as patches along their backs and as horns that protrude from their foreheads. Conduits may be a solid color of any vibrant, deep, or bright hues (definitive examples coming soon) and can commonly have a subtle gradient applied to their tips or base. 

Simple gradients consist of:

  • Same/Similar hue to the base hue.
  • Similar value to base value.

Simple Gradient Conduit

Simple Gradient Conduit (★ Uncommon)

Category: Modifier
Species: Kanti


Kanti Conduits are composed of the mana that runs through a Kanti's body. They manifest as patches along their backs and as horns that protrude from their foreheads. Conduits may be a solid color of any vibrant, deep, or bright hues (definitive examples coming soon). It has become a statement piece to attempt to augment ones conduit to display multiple colors as multiple colors is said to contain vast magical prowess.

Simple gradients consist of:

  • Two Analogous hues. (Red to orange, orange to yellow, yellow-green to teal, yellow-orange to pink..)
  • Similar value to base value.

True Gradient Conduit

True Gradient Conduit (Enchanted)

Category: Modifier
Species: Kanti


Kanti Conduits are composed of the mana that runs through a Kanti's body. They manifest as patches along their backs and as horns that protrude from their foreheads. Conduits may be a solid color of any vibrant, deep, or bright hues (definitive examples coming soon). True conduits are considered an achievement of magical merit, having been gained through the mastery of one's self. Some kanti have managed the difficult feat of achieving this appearance through augmenting.

True gradients consist of:

  • Multiple colors.
  • A combination of hue and value.
  • A vibrant hue with the capacity for soft pastel tips or base.

True gradients cannot consist of:

  • Rainbow or iridescence (the full range of rainbow hues in a single gradient)
  • whites, greys, or blacks without the appropriate rarity.

The true gradient allows you to apply the full or part of the gradient to the smaller conduit points such as the eyes and hooves/paws. With a true gradient you may also use part of the gradient as a solid underside to the hooves or as an accent for the optional fetlock pads.
Banded Conduit

Banded Conduit (★ Rare)

Category: Modifier
Species: Kanti


Kanti Conduits are composed of the mana that runs through a Kanti's body. They manifest as patches along their backs and as horns that protrude from their foreheads. Conduits may be a solid color of any vibrant, deep, or bright hues (definitive examples coming soon). Banded conduits are a rare sight to behold; Thick stripes adorning the conduit entirely or in parts, adding a peculiarly familiar look to this equine species. It is unknown if the banding is a result of Mantibab influence.

Banded Conduits consist of:

  • A single base color with a secondary color applied overtop.
  • Thick striping running from base to tip or at least halfway up or down each conduit point.
  • Subtle gradients may be applied to each color individually. (any gradients of higher rarity will require a trait vial of equal rarity)

Banded Conduits cannot consist of:

  • Thin pinstriped lines
  • too dark or pale colors without the appropriate rarity
  • black, white, or greyscale stripes 

Accented Conduit

Accented Conduit (★ Rare)

Category: Modifier
Species: Kanti


Kanti Conduits are composed of the mana that runs through a Kanti's body. They manifest as patches along their backs and as horns that protrude from their foreheads. Conduits may be a solid color of any vibrant, deep, or bright hues (definitive examples coming soon). Accented conduits are a new trend among Kantis where part of their conduit is accented by a mark, whether it be the tips of their horns displaying a brighter color to the underside of a curving set of horns contrasting a darker color. 

Accented Conduits consist of:

  • A standard conduit with a mark or single stripe of another appropriate color

Accents cannot consist of:

  • Two or more markings on one horn (see Patterned Conduit)
  • Black, white, or greyscale colors

Mismatched Conduit

Mismatched Conduit (Enchanted)

Category: Modifier
Species: Kanti


Kanti Conduits are composed of the mana that runs through a Kanti's body. They manifest as patches along their backs and as horns that protrude from their foreheads. Conduits may be a solid color of any vibrant, deep, or bright hues (definitive examples coming soon). Mismatched conduits are a bit of an anomaly. Kantis naturally born with this trait are said to have started their magical journey on the wrong foot, unable to connect with their mana across their body so they struggle heavily at first. It is also said that Kantis with mismatched Conduits may have difficulty controlling it, being a little "scrambled up". There's been enough evidence to say otherwise but some still carry that superstition.

Mismatched Conduits consist of:

  • Any part of the traditional conduit points being a different color from the rest.

Mismatched cannot consist of:

  • Conduit colors being split down the middle (see Split Conduit)
  • Black, white, or greyscale colors

Split Conduit

Split Conduit (Enchanted)

Category: Modifier
Species: Kanti


Kanti Conduits are composed of the mana that runs through a Kanti's body. They manifest as patches along their backs and as horns that protrude from their foreheads. Conduits may be a solid color of any vibrant, deep, or bright hues (definitive examples coming soon). Split conduits are a bit of an anomaly. Kantis naturally born with this trait or who achieve this augmenting are said to have untapped magic potential for manifesting two colors so evenly across their body. 

Split Conduits consist of:

  • Two colors splitting down the middle of the kanti, affecting all conduit points.

Split cannot consist of:

  • Black, white, or greyscale colors

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