
Sweetheart Accents

Sweetheart Accents (★ Seasonal)

Category: Modifier


  •  Sweetheart Accents (Mantibab):
    🔹 Your bab's cheeks, elbow nubs, ankle nubs, and palm paw pads are shifted from circular, to heart shaped patches!

    ❗ Hearts must follow all species color rules.

  •  Sweetheart Accents (Skullcracker):
    🔹 Your Skullcracker's paw pad and nose are changed into heart shapes. Additional heart shaped nubs may be placed at the tips of the paw pads. 
    🔹 Nose is optional

Twin Tails

Twin Tails (★ Uncommon)

Category: Modifier
Species: Leloko


  • Trait:  
    🔹 This trait causes your single tail to split into three.
    🔹 This tail can be applied to any tail of equal or lower rarity. 

    ❗ Both tails match whenever this trait is applied. (Cruciferous tails must all have leaves, Cotton Cover Tails must all have some Cotton on them, etc)
    ❗ All tails must end in a flower that must similarly match physically (2 5-pointed flowers with 2 leaves each, 2 tulips with ruffled leaves, etc). Colors and design can vary.
Triple Split Tail

Triple Split Tail (★ Rare)

Category: Modifier
Species: Leloko

A rare occurence, but one that is often warned against by parents towards their kits. If you run wildly through the thorny brush your tail will split into two. If you do it again after you're warned you might just be unlucky enough to have it split into three. Imagine how heavy that would be! A triple split tail is often seen as a nuisance, but adds new capabilities to the Leloko lucky enough to attain it. The prehensile aspect of the tails can be used to propel a Lelo through the trees, with their ability to gain energy from the sun quicker able to carry them forward longer far longer than their companions. Some believe the triple tail unlocks a stored power within the Leloko who bears it.

  • Trait:  
    🔹 This trait causes your single tail to split into three.
    🔹 This tail can be applied to any tail of equal or lower rarity. 

    ❗ All three tails match whenever this trait is applied. (Cruciferous tails must all have leaves, Cotton Cover Tails must all have some Cotton on them, etc)
    ❗ All tails must end in a flower that must similarly match physically (3 5-pointed flowers with 2 leaves each, 3 tulips with ruffled leaves, etc). Colors and design can vary.

Color Shift

Color Shift (★ Rare)

Category: Modifier
Species: Leloko

Note: If this trait is applied to your Leloko, be sure to include both palettes in their masterlist entry!

Transition plays a large part within the beliefs of a Leloko, with various aspects of their history leaning into this theme, and in turn, their beliefs. A subtle form of this belief is said to manifest in the coat of a Leloko, transitioning from color to color under the light of the sun or shade of the trees. This rarity is said to manifest on Lelokos who are in tune with themselves and the world around them, allowing their visage to shift and flow with the energy of the world. Others say this is absurd, and the Leloko might be sick with something, "You're looking a little green today", "You have to stop exhausting your mana, it eats away at your identity", "Did you eat a wierd fruit? You know some of those things have wierd effects!" etc etc. The more observant notice that Lelokos of all shapes, sizes, personalities, and dispositions may come under this effect, with seemingly nothing to connect them, so perhaps this is just an inherent part of their species... 

  • Trait:  
    🔹 Allows you to apply a secondary color palette to your Leloko. 
    🔹 Palette may be a full palette shift, or a partial color shift. 
    🔹 Markings should be fully visible between both palettes, and cannot be "hidden" or removed using this trait. 
    🔹Each Leloko has 1 condition that causes the shift in color. The conditions for the shift may be decided by the user (Day/Night cycles, light/shade, time of day, alternating by day/season, or other conditions)

    ❗ This trait cannot be used to change the design past the shifting of colors. 
    ❗ This Item may be applied again to add additional palettes to the Leloko.

Color%20Shift%20ex.png ColorShift.png

Long Locks (★ Rare)

Category: Modifier

Originally considered a hinderance in ancient times, Crederians would rarely find themselves with a head of hair that grew exceptionally long, far longer than the fur on their coats would. Hair has a natural growth end on all Crederians, the hormones that allow them to grow following a rule akin to fur. These unusual curtains of hair would reach the floor and sweep up dirt, dust, and sometimes cridders if they weren't careful!

Nowadays, Crederians welcome the perculiar trait, vying for it's capacity to allow for intricate styling, and the appearance of "effortless care", using magic to lightly have the ends float so no dirt or dust touches it. 

  • Long Locks:  
    🔹 Hair (on the head) is longer than wrist length, and can touch or drag onto the floor. 

    ❗ Hair should not exceed body length if Crederian is standing and hair is dragging on the floor. (about 1 1/2 body lengths total)
    ❗ Hair can be any natural texture, and length will be taken into consideration for ringlets, curls, or waves based on "unstyled" length. 
    ❗ For type 4 hair, ringlets, and tight curls, Long Locks would allow the hair to just reach the ground, but should not drag on the floor.

Examples TBA


Pool Pattern Accents

Pool Pattern Accents (★ Seasonal)

Category: Modifier
Species: Mantibab

Note: This trait is currently limited to: Mantibab, Skullcracker, Leloko


  • Trait:  
    🔹 Adds a simple icon pattern to your Mantibab's "accent" points (cheeks, pawpads, nubs) 
    🔹 Icons should be kept simple, with only 1 pattern allowed per use of this trait. 
    🔹 Acceptible Icons should fall into common summer themes that could appear on pool floats. (Stars, Clouds, Sprinkles, Waffle Cone pattern, Ducks)
    🔹 Icons should all be 1 color, with the exception of "sprinkle", which allows for a multicolored pattern.

    ❗ Waffle cone pattern is limited to browns and oranges that give the illusion of a waffle cone.
    ❗ Clouds must be pale or pastel in hue, and should follow species rules. (grey clouds are allowed on skullcrackers, but not manitbabs.)


Seashell Cover

Seashell Cover (★ Seasonal)

Category: Modifier


  • Trait:  
    🔹 Adds a series of seashells that grow from your Crederians body. 
    🔹 Shells can come in a variety colors for the majority of the species and should be patterned after existing seashells. (Mantibabs should follow their standard species rules)

    ❗ Shells cannot appear iridescent or akin to pearl. 

The maximum coverage of this trait can be seen below.

Feather Trail Add-on

Feather Trail Add-on (★ Rare)

Category: Modifier
Species: Skullcracker


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    🔹 ...

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Double Puff Add-on

Double Puff Add-on (★ Rare)

Category: Modifier
Species: Skullcracker


  • ...:  
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Long Puff Add-on

Long Puff Add-on (★ Rare)

Category: Modifier
Species: Skullcracker


  • ...:  
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Twin Tail Modifier SC

Twin Tail Modifier SC (★ Rare)

Category: Modifier
Species: Skullcracker


  • ...:  
    🔹 ...

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31 results found.