
Simple Runic Sigil

Simple Runic Sigil (★ Common)

Category: Soul Sigil
Species: Pawbird

Pawbirds have a special relationship to their magic, a manifestation of their very souls that manifests as a runic sigil on their chests. These sigils come in many shapes and sizes, with their manifestation happening the moment a Pawbird comes into existance.  

A simple runic sigil, as through drawn from no more than two connecting brush strokes, said to embody empathy, uncertainty, creativity, and wonder.

  • Simple Runic Sigil:  
    🔹 Any rune-like symbol that does not fall into any higher rarity or shape. "Runes" don't need to look like anything specific, and can look like a thick brush stroke on the chest.

    ❗ All common sigils should be composed of One unbroken shape.
    ❗ All common sigils should be a bright or saturated hue
    ❗ Small light motes can emanate from your sigil.


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