
Pool Pattern Accents

Pool Pattern Accents (★ Seasonal)

Category: Modifier
Species: Mantibab

Note: This trait is currently limited to: Mantibab, Skullcracker, Leloko


  • Trait:  
    🔹 Adds a simple icon pattern to your Mantibab's "accent" points (cheeks, pawpads, nubs) 
    🔹 Icons should be kept simple, with only 1 pattern allowed per use of this trait. 
    🔹 Acceptible Icons should fall into common summer themes that could appear on pool floats. (Stars, Clouds, Sprinkles, Waffle Cone pattern, Ducks)
    🔹 Icons should all be 1 color, with the exception of "sprinkle", which allows for a multicolored pattern.

    ❗ Waffle cone pattern is limited to browns and oranges that give the illusion of a waffle cone.
    ❗ Clouds must be pale or pastel in hue, and should follow species rules. (grey clouds are allowed on skullcrackers, but not manitbabs.)


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