
Lop Ears

Lop Ears (★ Seasonal)

Category: Ears

A pair of delightfully lax ears that range in length depending on what species it is adorning! Lop ears are soft and give a gentle air to the Crederian that bears them. 

Studded Lop Ears

Studded Lop Ears (★ Uncommon)

Category: Ears
Species: Pawbird

A style of ears that lop simply, weighed down by 1-3 gemstones along the edges. These gemstones glow lightly and change along with their soul sigils.

  •  Studded Lop:  
    🔹 Gemstones must match the sigil color and will shift when they do.

    ❗ Uncommon ears can be smooth, ribbed, or fluffy along the inside.
Blind Lop Ears

Blind Lop Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Pawbird

A rare style of ears that ;op forward, completely covering the eyes with two large, paw-like floppy ears. These "paws" can wiggle the individual notched segments, giving credence to them being called "paw-ears"

  •  Blind Lop:  
    🔹 Ears are wide and relatively short, long enough to cover the eyes or go just past the chin.
Full Lop Ears

Full Lop Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Pawbird

A rare style of ears that lop heavily, broad and thick in shape. These ears are considered oversized and charming, although pawbirds who bear them often complain of hearing Too Much all the time.

  •  Full Lop:  
    🔹 Ears are dense and long, often bare along the insides to really allow them to be annoyed by every little sound. 

    ❗ Ears may be bare, furry, or a mixture of both.
Bejeweled Lop Ears

Bejeweled Lop Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Pawbird

A rare style of ears that lop simply along the side of the head, flat and featureless aside from the series of gemstones that adorn the edge. These ears are the upgraded form of "studded lop".

  •  Bejeweled Lop:  
    🔹 Ears are flat and long, ending roughtly at the waist at the longest.
    🔹 4-6 gems may adorn the sides and must match the sigil color, changing as it does.
Scarf Lop Ears

Scarf Lop Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Pawbird

A rare style of ears that lop simply along the side of the head, flat, featureless, and very long, reaching down to the ankles! This ear type is said to be annoying enough that pawbirds will often toss it around their necks, giving them their name of "scarf ears"

  •  Scarf Lop:  
    🔹 Ears are flat and long, with soft smooth fur along the length, ending in either a rounded edge or tufts of scraggly fur. Pawbirds will sometimes style them into tiny tassels to follow the scarf trend.
Twisted Lop Ears

Twisted Lop Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Pawbird

A rare style of ears that lop, beginning to twist and coil halfway through in an unusual style that confuses some and charms others. These ears are highly sought after by the over the top stylish pawbs.

  •  Twisted Lop:  
    🔹 Ears are flat and long, coiling and twisting partway through the ear. 
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