
Classic Ears

Classic Ears (★ Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

Your classic set of bab ears.

Sweep Ears

Sweep Ears (★ Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

Another version of the classic ear with a gentle wave shape.

Plush Ears

Plush Ears (★ Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A soft and fluffy version of the classic ear with softer and rounder shapes. The general populace agrees plush ears are the softest.

Sleek Ears

Sleek Ears (★ Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A sleek look to the classic shape, with an arching line to the ear, ending in sharp points and coming down fluffy.

Lax Ears

Lax Ears (★ Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A wavy shape to a classic bab ear ending in soft drooping fur.

Flurry Ears

Flurry Ears (★ Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A messy ear type with bits of fur sticking up along the entire shell of the ear.

Overstuffed Ears

Overstuffed Ears (★ Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A classic ear with an explosive amount of fur on the inside that has it sticking out longer than the rest of the ear.

Fullstop Ears

Fullstop Ears (★ Common)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A sleek ear with a fluffy base and tip, with a smooth decline along the underside before fluffing out again. 

Overgrown Ears

Overgrown Ears (★ Uncommon)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A fluffy ear whose fur has overgrown enough to hang over the inner fluff, overtaking it partially.

Extensions Ears

Extensions Ears (★ Uncommon)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

An unusual ear type where the inner fluff grows up and out in a flare, as though the ears have gotten extentions.

Flurry Tip Ears

Flurry Tip Ears (★ Uncommon)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

An unusual ear style where the tips have exploded into separate tufts.

Lynx Ears

Lynx Ears (★ Uncommon)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

An uncommon addition to the tips of a sleek ear in the form of thin elongated tufts. 

Meow Ears

Meow Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A short and sweet set of cat-like ears.

Howl Ears

Howl Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A tall and thin set of ears with a peculiar diamond cutout on the inside. The diamond patch is nude and often a separate color that lets it stand out.

Half-pup Ears

Half-pup Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A rare ear type where the ear looses rigidity at the halfway point and flops over. The ears are perky otherwise.

Bunny Tips Ears

Bunny Tips Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A forward facing pair of ears where the tips flop and curl forward. The fur that extends from these tips follow the curve and give the ears a longer look.

Kite Ears

Kite Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A looong set of ears that fan out in a classic shape. These heavy ears are held up and can fan out, giving a kite like appearance. 

Nude Tips Ears

Nude Tips Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A peculiar ear type where from the midpoint to the tip, the babs ears are completely nude! The base remains fluffy and the inner ear follows suit.

Nude Base Ears

Nude Base Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A peuliar set of ears where from the base to the midpoint, the ears are completely nude! The mid to tips retain their fluffiness.

Tulip Ears

Tulip Ears (★ Rare)

Category: Ears
Species: Mantibab

A short set of ears with a pom of fur at the tips, the base is rounded, giving the whole ear a "tulip" look.

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