
<a href=" Quill" class="display-item">Otherworldly Quill</a>

Otherworldly Quill


"The last time I one of these I think i woke up a week later with several newly written novels around me. There's a powerful enchantment on this Quill and I've come to consider it the ultimate reading utensil... if I had any control of the content written down. I didn't know a thing about what was written on those pages!"

An elegant quill floats quietly before you. The gentle swooping of the feathered edges entrances you, and you're compelled to grab hold, like it was meant for you. A desperation to write fills you, as though you're full of too many words and can't possibly hold them all. You've suddenly learned how to speak a separate language, and as you write you realize you're forgetting it with each word you place down.  Knowledge courses in and out of you as pages litter the ground covered in information. These pages fall gently, and start forming a circle on the ground that, once closed, causes all the pages to burn with otherworldly flame. You're hypnotized by the inky darkness within the circle, colorful stars dancing and flying towards you. You blink as the light gets too strong, and find yourself on the floor the next morning, a bit of drool on your lip.

Using this item allows you to design and officialize a fully common Pawbird. This item is one time use and is consumed upon use. MYO slots cannot be traded, and once the item is used to gain an MYO slot it is irreversible.

  •  Use:  
    🔹 This item will allow you to design a common Pawbird from the ground up. (Pawbird species page | Visual Trait List)
    🔹 Trait vials, grimoires, and other specialty items may be applied when designing your Pawb. 

    ❗ Pawbirds require a "soul sigil" on their chest. These sigils share a color with the eyes, and have other optional spots that can share it as well. During times of strong emotion, the sigil color (on all shared points) can change to another, often harsher color.
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