Earning Coins

Created: 26 February 2022, 08:17:13 UTC
Last updated: 20 July 2024, 18:19:03 UTC
♦ Coins 

Coins are the basic currency used around crederia: golden coins with a diamond shaped hole which is often used to thread coins together for easy transportation in small amounts. You can earn Coins by completing prompts or participating in events on-site or in the discord! Currently, you may use coins to purchase MYOs, Trait upgrades, Design editing items, and pets called Cridders!

The game is still being balanced so coin amounts are subject to increase or decrease. 

❗ Submitting a unique drawn or written piece to the appropriate gallery will award you with 1 Coin! This includes any submitted prompts, gifts, or general artwork of your crederians drawn by you! 


Coin Payout Guide

♦ THe Basics |  Drawn Entries

Each entry into  a prompt will have a base payout of 5  Coins. This is for your standard character in full color, sometimes with a simple environment.

  • At least 50% of your character should visible in its environment. Fun partial crops or environment hiding part of the character is alright as long as we can see most of the character. 
  • Standard backgrounds may be simply rendered, and can be depicted as platforms rather than full illustrations.
  • Baby prompts and other special prompts are excluded from this guide and will have their coin amounts listed in the prompt itself.


♦ Bonus opportunities | 


Fullbody Bonus: +2 

This bonus is awarded to any Crederian who is at least 75%  visible in your prompt. 

Characters and Pets

+1  Coin for Including a Cridder that you own.
+2  Coins for Including a Mount that you own.

  • All cridders, unless otherwise specified, will award you 1 coin for including them in a prompt. 
  • Special creders that award more will have it specified in their species listing.
+3 Coins for Including another adult Crederian (max of 3 extra characters)
+1 Coin  for including a baby Crederian (max 5)

  • Please be sure to check whether a chracter allows gift art or not! Here is a list with the "giftart allowed" filter turned on. 
  • Crederians should be at least 50% visible to be eligible for bonus coins
  • Adults and babies are counted separately towards the maximum.
  • You are allowed to include more characters than listed but only up to the maximum will be redeemable for coins!


+ 5 Coins for a full scene |  General

  • Drawing your Crederian in an illustrated scene that contains two defined sections (of background, middle ground, or foreground) with multiple environmental elements (such as trees, foliage, indoor decorations, windows, etc depending on the scene) will award you with 5 extra Coins.  
  • Scenes should be visible and cannot be too blurry or obscured. (Overly dark illustrations may not obtain the bonus if the details are not clearly visible)
  • Crederians are not considered bg elements and will be counted separately from the environment.
  • Platforms may earn this bonus if they fit the requirements.

Examples TBA

+ 10  Coins for a full scene | Complex

  • Drawing your crederian in a complex or detailed background will award you with 10 extra  Coins.
  • Complex backgrounds should contain a background, middle ground, and foreground and should depict the environment clearly.
  • Detailed elements should be visible across the board, foliage, rocks, texture, and the like should be clear and consistent throughout the illustration. 
  • Crederians are not considered bg elements and will be counted separately from the environment.

Examples TBA


♦ THe Basics |  Written Entries

Each entry into  a prompt will have a base payout of 5  Coins. This is for your standard written entry

  • Entries should be at least 500 words long and have a crederian as a prominent feature.


♦ Bonus opportunities | 
Word Count bonus

After the base requirement is met, you may earn +1 Coin per 200 words beyond the minimum, to a max of 10 extra Coins. You may reach this maximum by submitting a piece of 2500 words, after which point no more coins will be rewarded for word count.

Characters and Pets

+1  Coin for Including a Cridder that you own.
+2  Coins for Including a Mount that you own.

  • All cridders, unless otherwise specified, will award you 1 coin for including them in a prompt. 
  • Special creders that award more will have it specified in their species listing.
+3 Coins for Including another Crederian prominently in writing (max of 4 extra characters)

  • Please be sure to check whether a chracter allows gift art or not! Here is a list with the "giftart allowed" filter turned on. 
  • Extra Crederians must be featured prominently to earn bonus coins; this means they must be allowed at least a few sentences towards their own unique presence in the writing.
  • Adults and babies are  both eligible to include for bonus coins.
  • You are allowed to include more or less prominent characters than listed but only up to the maximum will be redeemable for coins!

Spare Change

♦ THe Basics |  

Each entry into  spare change will have a base payout of Coin.  Spare change is just an extra, permant way to earn small amounts of coins in between prompt cooldowns or if you're just looking to score a few extra coins for casual enjoyment of your Crederian. 

You may submit pages with individual sketches, ychs, or fullbodies and count separate coins for each one.


1 Coin will be rewarded for:

  • Sketches and Lineart
  • Headshots, Busts
  • Fullbody, with color
  • Bases and their subsequent uses
  • Commissions (buyer and artist each)
  • Poems and snippets of written works that feature a specific character or setting within crederia.

2 Coins will be rewarded for:

  • Gift art for another person (full color or multiple sketches on a page)
  • Art trades (both users must mention each other and their finished pieces)