All Prompts

❄️ [Seasonal]: Winter Coat

❄️ [Seasonal]: Winter Coat

Ends: 1 April 2025, 06:59:00 UTC (1 month from now)

✨ Love it or hate it the fur loves you! Your winter coat hits you like a ton of... well, fur!


♦ PROMPT | Winter Coat ❄️


Among the various festivities, most Crederians are finally through with one yearly phenomenon: growing in their winter coats. 

Small or large, every Crederian species is furred by default if they're not our resident ocean dwellers! When winter rolls around and the air gets so chilly, the thick winter coats show up to keep each person nice and toasty— or maybe too warm, depending on your tolerance! 

The prompt is Winter Coat. Depict your Crederian showing off their thick winter fur! You are allowed to interpret this as you like, the winter coat is not a permanent design change, and this prompt is just for fun! It doesn’t have to be canon to your character. One special thing to note, if your crederian is a Mantibab… Mantibabs don’t grow winter fur on their arms. The rest of the body, including their back legs, may get nice and fluffy— but they have to figure out a different method to keep their arms warm! 


Participation in this prompt earns you standard array: 5 money1.gif Coins, 1 money---50.gif Magia fragment as well as a roll on a seasonal loot table!

Loot Table Rewards

Rewards are randomized. Each time a prompt is accepted the Loot Table automatically rolls and you will recieve one of the following items:

Coin Bundle(s)
Magia Fragment(s)

Frostfall Amulet

Star de Ciel



 ♦ Things to know | Notice_Icon_yellow.png 
  • This prompt may be completed 3 times
  • Baby crederians may not participate in this prompt, sorry!
  • Each prompt has a calculator attached for bonus content, be sure to complete it to the best of your abilities to help our mods! 
  • Submit your finished prompt to the gallery for an extra coin! If you submit to the gallery you can use that link to submit the prompt itself.

♦ Restrictions | Notice_Icon_yellow.png
  • Artwork/Literature must be your own.
  • You can enter this prompt with any crederian you personally own.
  • You can include more of your own Crederians or add Crederians listed with a gift tag here! 
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers. 

♦ SPECIES | Notice_Icon_yellow.png

Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcracker, Leloko, Pawbird, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll

♦ Minimum REQUIREMENTS | Notice_Icon_yellow.png

♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show a complete character.
  • Artwork does not require a background, but may be included for bonus coins per bonus guide.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long.
  • Work must clearly feature at least one character and their winter coat.


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5
💎 Magia Fragments 1
🧊 Frost Fall Loot Table 1

You can submit this prompt 3 time(s) per year .

🌨️ [Seasonal]: Snowball Fight!!

🌨️ [Seasonal]: Snowball Fight!!

Ends: 1 April 2025, 06:59:00 UTC (1 month from now)

✨ Snowball Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!


♦ PROMPT | Snowball fight!! 🌨️


As your crederian takes a lovely walk down a well worn path a snowball tries its best to connect to the back of their head, a more perceptive creature could dodge out of the way, but regardless, *someone* threw that at you. And it's time for retalliation!

Draw your crederian participating in a snowball fight with at least one other Crederian! Build a snow fort for protection, stockpile your snowy ammunition, and see who comes on top!  


Participation in this prompt earns you standard array: 5 money1.gif Coins, 1 money---50.gif Magia fragment as well as a roll on a seasonal loot table!

Loot Table Rewards

Rewards are randomized. Each time a prompt is accepted the Loot Table automatically rolls and you will recieve one of the following items:

Coin Bundle(s)
Magia Fragment(s)

Gift-Wrapped Cookie Assortment



 ♦ Things to know | Notice_Icon_yellow.png 
  • This prompt may be completed 3 times
  • Baby crederians may not participate in this prompt, sorry!
  • Each prompt has a calculator attached for bonus content, be sure to complete it to the best of your abilities to help our mods! 
  • Submit your finished prompt to the gallery for an extra coin! If you submit to the gallery you can use that link to submit the prompt itself.

♦ Restrictions | Notice_Icon_yellow.png
  • Artwork/Literature must be your own.
  • You can enter this prompt with any crederian you personally own.
  • You can include more of your own Crederians or add Crederians listed with a gift tag here! 
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers. 

♦ SPECIES | Notice_Icon_yellow.png

Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcracker, Leloko, Pawbird, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll

♦ Minimum REQUIREMENTS | Notice_Icon_yellow.png

♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show two complete characters.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long.
  • Work must clearly feature at least two characters.


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5
💎 Magia Fragments 1
🧊 Frost Fall Loot Table 1

You can submit this prompt 3 time(s) per year .

⛄ [Seasonal]: D’ya wanna build a snowman?

⛄ [Seasonal]: D’ya wanna build a snowman?

Ends: 1 April 2025, 06:59:00 UTC (1 month from now)

✨ Time to build a snowman! Invite a friend or show off your skills solo!


♦ PROMPT | D'ya wanna build a snowman? ☃️


Snow covers the land as far as the eye can see. Rooftops are heavy with the stuff, and some eye their ceilings warily hoping the roof will be able to handle another year. For the more optimistic sorts, the snowfall has reached the perfect point! The point where it can be molded enough to keep it's shape and even take a few snowballs before starting to chip. Snowcreds are popping up left and right; small winter soldiers lining the gate to Lothain's castle town, large near hazardous snowbeasts appearing in the town square (Younglings like to knock them down when their parents aren't looking), and there will be the odd snowcred found in places they really shouldn't be able to be. Snowcreations pepper the land soon after the snow reaches this perfect point, and the urge to make one yourself is starting to get too strong to ignore.... so get your mittens on and start rolling!

Depict your Crederians showing off their *beautiful* snow creation! What is… a snow “man”? A snowbab? Snowcracker? Snoloko?

  • Crederians tend to cover any "nude" snowcred with twine, ribbon, or scarf if they find them out in the wild. Small groups volunteer to gather them once the season shifts, offering them to Lelokos and other Crederians who come out of hibernation. 
    • Offering a snowcred your scarf is said to bring you luck next winter. "A kindness offered, a kindness returned." 
  • Twigs, leaves, frostshrooms, carahorias, and many, many other organic items are used to create familiar faces! Leaves are especially popular due to the various colors that can be found during winter.
  • The juice of fruits, berries, and vegetables are sometimes used to dye the snow to create the illusion of cheek circles, spots, or other identifiable markings. 

Participation in this prompt earns you standard array: 5 money1.gif Coins, 1 money---50.gif Magia fragment as well as a roll on a seasonal loot table!

Loot Table Rewards

Rewards are randomized. Each time a prompt is accepted the Loot Table automatically rolls and you will recieve one of the following items:

Coin Bundle(s)
Magia Fragment(s)

Jar of Peppermint Canes



 ♦ Things to know | Notice_Icon_yellow.png 
  • This prompt may be completed 3 times
  • Baby crederians may not participate in this prompt, sorry!
  • Each prompt has a calculator attached for bonus content, be sure to complete it to the best of your abilities to help our mods! 
  • Submit your finished prompt to the gallery for an extra coin! If you submit to the gallery you can use that link to submit the prompt itself.

♦ Restrictions | Notice_Icon_yellow.png
  • Artwork/Literature must be your own.
  • You can enter this prompt with any crederian you personally own.
  • You can include more of your own Crederians or add Crederians listed with a gift tag here! 
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers. 

♦ SPECIES | Notice_Icon_yellow.png

Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcracker, Leloko, Pawbird, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll

♦ Minimum REQUIREMENTS | Notice_Icon_yellow.png

♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show a complete character and snow creation.
  • Artwork does not require a background, but may be included for bonus coins per bonus guide.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long.
  • Work must clearly feature at least one character and their snow creation.


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5
💎 Magia Fragments 1
🧊 Frost Fall Loot Table 1

You can submit this prompt 3 time(s) per year .

☕ [Seasonal]: Staying Cozy

Ends: 1 April 2025, 06:59:00 UTC (1 month from now)

✨ Winter is here, settle in with a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy the warmth of home.


♦ PROMPT | Staying cozy☕

Winter occasionally sends a terrible chill through tree and home alike. An accidentally left-open window means snow and bitter winds are invited in., Noel and their companions try their best to make sure the towns are safe from the whims of winter and direct the flow of the wind to find its way out and over the homes. During this time, Crederians take the opportunity to huddle up indoors with fabric scraps, blankets, and makeshift plush stoppers plugging each and every doorframe, window, and occassional mousehole that could let any of the cold in.... Is that the kettle whistling? Time for a hot cup of tea.

Draw your crederians keeping warm during the winter, Where does your Crederian live? Holed up in a cave? A house? Maybe they have a cozy cottage tucked away with their garden covered in a lovely blanket of snow. Perhaps their luck ran out and they were caught mid-travel, forcing them to quickly check into a nearby inn! The host offers warm soup, hot cocoa, and extra blankets to keep the cold at bay.


Participation in this prompt earns you standard array: 5 money1.gif Coins, 1 money---50.gif Magia fragment as well as a roll on a seasonal loot table!

Loot Table Rewards

Rewards are randomized. Each time a prompt is accepted the Loot Table automatically rolls and you will recieve one of the following items:

Coin Bundle(s)
Magia Fragment(s)

Dipped Velvet Churros


 ♦ Things to know | Notice_Icon_yellow.png 
  • This prompt may be completed 3 times.
  • Baby crederians may not participate in this prompt, sorry!
  • Each prompt has a calculator attached for bonus content, be sure to complete it to the best of your abilities to help our mods! 
  • Submit your finished prompt to the gallery for an extra coin! If you submit to the gallery you can use that link to submit the prompt itself.

♦ Restrictions | Notice_Icon_yellow.png
  • Artwork/Literature must be your own.
  • You can enter this prompt with any crederian you personally own.
  • You can include more of your own Crederians or add Crederians listed with a gift tag here! 
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers. 

♦ SPECIES | Notice_Icon_yellow.png

Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcracker, Leloko, Pawbird, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll

♦ Minimum REQUIREMENTS | Notice_Icon_yellow.png

♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show a complete character.
  • Artwork requires a background.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long.
  • Work must clearly feature at least one character


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5
💎 Magia Fragments 1
🧊 Frost Fall Loot Table 1

You can submit this prompt 3 time(s) per year .

✨ Single word prompts. One a week!


♦ PROMPT | Vague 💭

A series of themes  you can cycle through and submit! Draw a piece of your crederian that follows a single word theme from the list below! 

    • Joy:
    • Fear:
    • Yearning:
    • Lazy:
    • Jealous:
    • Embarassed:
    • Friend:
    • Dirty:
    • Failure:
    • Hunt:


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • The character being used for the prompt must belong to you.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • Baby Crederians are allowed to enter this prompt.
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler, Pawbird, Leloko, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork must include background elements.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per week .

✨ What sort of hobbies do your crederians like to engage in?


♦ PROMPT | Hobbies 🛹

Does your crederian enjoy a certain hobby? Maybe they craft in their spare time, maybe they cook! Do they partake in more physical hobbies? Sports perhaps, or racing snails!

Draw your crederian engaging with a hobby of theirs, whether it's enjoying a hobby for the sake of it or perhaps engaging in something more competitive, show us what they do in their spare time!


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • The character being used for the prompt must belong to you.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • Baby Crederians are allowed to enter this prompt.
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler, Pawbird, Leloko, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork must include background elements.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ TTRPG time! Choose your weapon and set out!


♦ PROMPT | start of the campaign ⚔️

Depict your crederian as a ttrpg character! A dashing rogue? a castor with a penchant for fire? Freely explore how you imagine they would function in a ttrpg setting!


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • The character being used for the prompt must belong to you.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • Baby Crederians are allowed to enter this prompt.
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler, Pawbird, Leloko, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork does not require a background.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ Depict your crederian as a tarot card


♦ PROMPT | All in the cards 🔮 

Depict your crederian as a tarot card!

The design should be based on the existing deck (The Moon, The Hierophant, The Lovers, etc)


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • The character being used for the prompt must belong to you.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • Baby Crederians are allowed to enter this prompt.
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler, Pawbird, Leloko, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork does not require a background

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |
  • Coin Payout Guide 
  • Additionally, including why you chose that specific tarot will reward 1 coin


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ Depict your crederian as a food packaging product!


♦ PROMPT | Packaging First 🧃

Depict your crederian as a food packaging product! Would they be a carton of milk? A decorative box of chocolates? A bag of chips? 


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • The character being used for the prompt must belong to you.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • Baby Crederians are allowed to enter this prompt.
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler, Pawbird, Leloko, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork does not require a background

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |
  • Coin Payout Guide 
  • Additionally, including a crederian using or consuming the product will reward 3 coins


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ Depict your crederian as a fanciful food!


♦ PROMPT | Bon Appétit 🥞

Depict your crederian as a fanciful food! Candy horns, whipped cream hair, or maybe a more savory dish with pasta for hair and sausages for horns! Imagine the different bits of your crederians as if they were made of food!


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • The character being used for the prompt must belong to you.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • Baby Crederians are allowed to enter this prompt.
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler, Pawbird, Leloko, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork does not require a background

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |
  • Coin Payout Guide 
  • Additionally, including an appropriate background or platform that works for your dish will reward you with 5 coins (table with doilies, flowers, cups for teas or baked goods. a fancy table with folded napkins and silverware for a restaurant feel, etc.)
  • There should be distinct elements for the set you choose to obtain the bonus coins. (a simple table with a cloth and only your dish would be too simple in this case)


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ Depict your crederian as a known fairytale character!


♦ PROMPT | Story Time

Depict your crederian as a known fairytale or myth!

Please be mindful of other cultures but have fun reinterpreting!


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • The character being used for the prompt must belong to you.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • Baby Crederians are allowed to enter this prompt.
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler, Pawbird, Leloko, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork must include background elements

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |
  • Coin Payout Guide 
  • Additionally, including a short summary of your fairy tale with reward you with 2  Coins


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ Draw the start of your journey, big or small!


♦ PROMPT | starting out 🎒

An opportunity for more has fallen into your hands and that means leaving home.

What did your crederian do when they first left their town? What kind of trouble did they face? Did they stumble as soon as they stepped foot out of their home, did they find themselves scared of the possibilities? Did they over prepare and find out their adventure pack is too heavy?

Draw your crederians first time away from home, whether it be for adventuring, seeking knowledge, or finding oppourtunity in another town! Maybe they barely made it out of town before they got cold feet


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler,  Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork must include background elements.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5
💎 Magia Fragments 1

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ The work bell is ringing! What's your job?


♦ PROMPT | Handyman 🔨

Does your crederian have a job? What do they do?

Draw them at their place of employment on a normal day. (Think generally, they could be a simple cook at a tavern, or work at a fancy bakery, a smith's apprentice, an aspiring knight, a weaver, a tailor, an assistant to a noble, a scribe, a librarian, there are many possibilities!)


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler,  Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork must include background elements.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5
💎 Magia Fragments 1

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ Draw your adult crederian at a time where they were young!


♦ PROMPT | Throughout the Years 🍼

What did your Crederian look like throughout the years? How have they changed, how will they change in the future?


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler,  Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork must include background elements.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5
💎 Magia Fragments 1

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ Draw your baby crederian experiencing their first big scare!


♦ PROMPT | First Fear👻

What was one of the first real scares your baby crederian experienced? Whether it was seeing a big bug for the first time or having a creder nip at their finger? Maybe they got lost for a moment or saw a shadow in the dark. Draw your baby crederian experiencing their first big scare! (or second, or third. babies get scared a lot.)


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler,  Poffee, Bowroo, Leloko, Pawbird, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork must include background elements.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ Draw your baby crederian making friends.


♦ PROMPT | Making friends 🌼 

Making friends is a part of childhood for many. It can be fun, it can be scary! How does your crederian do when they want to befriend someone? Are they clumsy, are they bubbly and friendly? Draw your baby crederian making a new friend. 


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler,  Poffee, Bowroo, Leloko, Pawbird, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork must include background elements.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ Draw your baby crederian as an adult!


♦ PROMPT | All Grown 🎉

The final step in growing up is to... well... grow up! 

Draw your baby all grown up! This image will become the new masterlist entry once your baby loses their baby subtype. If you're doing this prompt as an existing adult you will still earn coins but the image does not have to become the masterlist image. 

This prompt may count for the fourth and final prompt to grow up your baby, and should be submitted last!

⚠️ Once you're done with all 4 of your growth prompts send in a character update by clicking "Update Design" on the bottom left of your character's page. Please include links to your completed prompts and you should be good to go! ⚠️


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler,  Leloko, Pawbird


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show 100% of your character.
  • Artwork does not require a background.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |
  • No bonuses for this prompt!


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ Draw your baby crederian experiencing magic for the first time!


♦ PROMPT | abracadabra✨

Magic is everywhere, your crederian will experience it in one day or another. Tell us how it went? Did they see a magic show? Did some kind person use it to help with a harvest? To light an oven? To fight a monster? Did it scare or excite them? Draw your baby crederian experiencing magic!

This event does not have to be their first experience with magic. If you are looking to start earning your own magic, [go here]


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler,  Poffee, Bowroo, Leloko, Pawbird, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork must include background elements.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ Draw your baby crederian with their favorite childhood item.


♦ Baby PROMPT | Comfort🧸

Sometimes the world can seem too big, experiences too overwhelming, and in those terrible times you might turn to a special blanket, your favorite toy, or a pet to keep your emotions in check. 

Draw your baby crederian with their comfort item.


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler,  Poffee, Bowroo, Leloko, Pawbird, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork must include background elements.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .

✨ Draw or write a gift for another user!


♦ PROMPT | Special Delivery 🎒

An amicable air surrounds you, and as you walk the paved street, the grassy trail, the wooden boardwalk, you're hailed by the sound of a melodic trumpet sounding out beautifully. "A delivery for you" they say! It's a vibrant, winged creature, excited in the way they abruptly land in front of you. You weren't expecting a letter... you're not sure what to expect as the creature drops a letter that jingles when it lands in your hand.

The contents of the letter are simple, but strange; a few coins and a sparkling gem fragment. You don't remember picking up an odd job at any point... 
"You didn't!" The creature chirps, startling you out of your thoughts. "buuuut, we heard you thinking real positively about someone the other day, or were you the one who returned that lost item back there, or maybe you were the one who helped that Crederian get back home? Don't really remember but what i do remember is that your positivity really spoke to me!"

You nod along... unsure if you believe them but hearing them respond to your thoughts is perhaps a good reason not to cause a fuss.  You consider thanking them.

"You're welcome!" They chirp before you can muster the words,  zipping off into the sky and leaving you confused, but a little heavier with coin. 


Draw or write a gift for another user! This prompt offers the opportunity to apply bonus coins to an artwork, and may be done once a month! This prompt resets the first of each month on site time.


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • Art or written work must be of a character listed with a gift tag here! Be sure to double check their permissions!
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.
  • This prompt may be completed once a month!


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler,  Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork does not need a background.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5
💎 Magia Fragments 2

You can submit this prompt 1 time(s) per month .

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