👻 First Fear

Category: Growing Up

✨ Draw your baby crederian experiencing their first big scare!


♦ PROMPT | First Fear👻

What was one of the first real scares your baby crederian experienced? Whether it was seeing a big bug for the first time or having a creder nip at their finger? Maybe they got lost for a moment or saw a shadow in the dark. Draw your baby crederian experiencing their first big scare! (or second, or third. babies get scared a lot.)


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler,  Poffee, Bowroo, Leloko, Pawbird, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork must include background elements.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .