🛹 Hobbies

Category: General Prompts

✨ What sort of hobbies do your crederians like to engage in?


♦ PROMPT | Hobbies 🛹

Does your crederian enjoy a certain hobby? Maybe they craft in their spare time, maybe they cook! Do they partake in more physical hobbies? Sports perhaps, or racing snails!

Draw your crederian engaging with a hobby of theirs, whether it's enjoying a hobby for the sake of it or perhaps engaging in something more competitive, show us what they do in their spare time!


  • Artwork must be your own.
  • The character being used for the prompt must belong to you.
  • You can include more of your own characters or any of the characters listed with a gift tag here!
  • Baby Crederians are allowed to enter this prompt.
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers.


Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcrackler, Pawbird, Leloko, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll


♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show at least 50% of your character.
  • Artwork must include background elements.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long
  • Work must clearly feature a character

♦ Bonus |


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .