Alignments and their Quests
The Start of Your Magical Journey
Hello, you must be here to learn about magic, right?
Magic courses through the very fiber of crederia's being, in its roots, its waters, its mountains, and even in the very air that fills it. While most crederians have the capacity to learn basic tricks and helpful spells, like levitating a book to put it back on the shelf, plucking fruits from trees, drawing and shooting a bow, or lifting and writing with a pen (especially useful for those with hooves and not hands) , there is more awaiting those who hear the call of the arcane, or simply have an interest in pursuing their potential.
An ancient story is popular amongst historians.
Eons ago, the Mirrored Gods were in the process of creating the universe.
Unable to hold the raw energy of the realm they inhabited; they created seven beings from this energy to maintain balance. These beings are our Seven Lords, or the reason we are able to manifest the magic we use day to day. The Lords were witness to the Mirrored Gods and their need to create, wary of the unrestrained nature of the primordials, and so with the power allowed to them they began to push back. One half of the mirror, Life, grew furious and laid a curse on the Lords for their insolence. The frustration of this god threatened to tear the fabric of reality, so their reflection, Death, wrapped around them to contain the energy, causing a surge that shattered through space, creating, destroying, and recreating the celestial bodies in the sky.
The Mirrored Gods fell into a deep slumber, finding when they awoke our very own world nestled in their coils. The Lords were summoned and gifted a piece of the world, whatever land they touched was theirs to own, and the Gods would be there to bear witness. It was a race, it was a trap, but not for the Lords. While the primordials slept the Seven Lords came to the conclusion that the Mirrored Gods held too much power, and when the Mirrors were separated, distracted by this lovely world of ours, the Lords struck, sending Life and Death crashing onto opposite sides of the world, separated for good. With that, the Lords descended with delight, touching down on the land that now belonged to them. Ah, but they forgot the curse binding their souls, for when flesh met land, their magic crystallized, freezing them in time.
The Seven Lords were put into a deep sleep, a crystal of solid magic left where they were said to have landed. Their touch had transformed the land permanently, and with it, imbued its eventual inhabitants with the power to harness it. One such crystal is said to reside in the Millipin forest, another glimpsed and lost in the sands of Enui, one rumored to be held within the walls of the kingdom within the Eladrian sea. Most, unfortunately, have never been found, but have been written about in ancient tomes.
Crederians may naturally choose one alignment to master, with the ability to dip their toes into one, maybe two others at the same time due to the focus and attunement required, you wouldn't want to end up like that busybody running his alchemy shop. A crederian cannot master more than one without special means, either through rare and coveted tomes or with the help of an experienced mage, although dipping into other alignments is possible at a basic level.
While some may find their magical calling by complete chance, there are several mage academies located throughout crederia that offer free schooling to the curious and willing. The most well known is Gollea Academy, whose reach stretches over serveral kingdoms, having opened up branches in Lothain and other large cities. You may also have less conventional methods of teaching as long as the heart of the prompts are followed but please be careful when undertaking quests with a specified location!
All Crederians are capable of magic. You're welcome to include all manner of mage in your Crederian's backstory without worry. There are currently limitations on enchanted items. [Read about them here]
The Alignments
There are currently 20 known alignments, with the first 7 the most widespread and widely accepted throughout Crederia. The lesser known the alignment, the more careful you need to be when pursuing the knowledge. You may choose one common alignment freely. If you would like to master a more uncommon alignment you will need a tome from the Alchemical Workshop before pursuing the quests.
On The road to magedom
⚠️ Alignment Quests are still in the works and aren't officially available ⚠️
Mages in Society