
Veiled Bloom

Veiled Bloom (★ Uncommon)

Category: Flower
Species: Leloko

Note: All Lelokos have a mouth at the center of their flowers! This mouth most often looks like a 4 - 6 pointed star that looks like a dome when closed to mimic the center of a flower and is present in every Leloko tail.

The dazzling veiled bloom is often overlooked for their simple appearance when closed. They often resemble the standard flowers, albiet with more petals, and can appear "overstuffed". Their true beauty lies in their relaxed state, broad and laden with beautiful petals. From sleek to ruffled the veiled blooms are showstoppers! 

  • Trait:  
    🔹 Veiled flowers follow the shapes of the [standard flowers], but are clearly filled with more petals than is commonly allowed. 
    🔹 Petals may be straight, curved, ruffled, or jagged.
    🔹When opened, the center mouth is surrounded by short petals that may share colors with the rest of the bloom, but often appear to stand out from the rest. They may also help make the center mouth pop while the petals themselves blend into the rest of the flower.

    ❗ Veiled blooms may have small decorative petals, but may not include filaments, pistils, or seeds of any kind that give the bloom a different texture on the inside.


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