<a href="https://crederia.com/world/items?name=Everblooming Sakura Sprig" class="display-item">Everblooming Sakura Sprig</a>

Everblooming Sakura Sprig

"I never believed them when they called it 'everblooming.' I still don't, really, but hey- where did you get all the extras?"

A small sprig covered in pale pink blooms that glow slightly under shadow. Sprigs from the Everblooming Sakura Tree are a traditional souvenir for purchase at the Florabell Faire, though these trinkets are just common sakura sprigs sold by merchants eager to continue the legend of the Everblooming Tree. While the tree itself isn't even everblooming- you can visit it in the winter months when it's dormant- you're starting to understand how it's earned its name.

This item allows you to add 1 Sakura or Blooming trait to your Crederian from the following list: 
Sakura Shed, Sakura Wreath, Budding Horns, Blooming Sight

  •  Everblooming Sakura Sprig:  
    🔹 This item may be used on any species.
    🔹 You may include this item in the creation of any MYO or custom

    ❗ When applying to an MYO or character update, please be sure to include the item so it may be consumed.