⛄ [Seasonal]: D’ya wanna build a snowman?

⛄ [Seasonal]: D’ya wanna build a snowman?

Ends: 1 April 2025, 06:59:00 UTC (1 month from now)

✨ Time to build a snowman! Invite a friend or show off your skills solo!


♦ PROMPT | D'ya wanna build a snowman? ☃️


Snow covers the land as far as the eye can see. Rooftops are heavy with the stuff, and some eye their ceilings warily hoping the roof will be able to handle another year. For the more optimistic sorts, the snowfall has reached the perfect point! The point where it can be molded enough to keep it's shape and even take a few snowballs before starting to chip. Snowcreds are popping up left and right; small winter soldiers lining the gate to Lothain's castle town, large near hazardous snowbeasts appearing in the town square (Younglings like to knock them down when their parents aren't looking), and there will be the odd snowcred found in places they really shouldn't be able to be. Snowcreations pepper the land soon after the snow reaches this perfect point, and the urge to make one yourself is starting to get too strong to ignore.... so get your mittens on and start rolling!

Depict your Crederians showing off their *beautiful* snow creation! What is… a snow “man”? A snowbab? Snowcracker? Snoloko?

  • Crederians tend to cover any "nude" snowcred with twine, ribbon, or scarf if they find them out in the wild. Small groups volunteer to gather them once the season shifts, offering them to Lelokos and other Crederians who come out of hibernation. 
    • Offering a snowcred your scarf is said to bring you luck next winter. "A kindness offered, a kindness returned." 
  • Twigs, leaves, frostshrooms, carahorias, and many, many other organic items are used to create familiar faces! Leaves are especially popular due to the various colors that can be found during winter.
  • The juice of fruits, berries, and vegetables are sometimes used to dye the snow to create the illusion of cheek circles, spots, or other identifiable markings. 

Participation in this prompt earns you standard array: 5 money1.gif Coins, 1 money---50.gif Magia fragment as well as a roll on a seasonal loot table!

Loot Table Rewards

Rewards are randomized. Each time a prompt is accepted the Loot Table automatically rolls and you will recieve one of the following items:

Coin Bundle(s)
Magia Fragment(s)

Jar of Peppermint Canes



 ♦ Things to know | Notice_Icon_yellow.png 
  • This prompt may be completed 3 times
  • Baby crederians may not participate in this prompt, sorry!
  • Each prompt has a calculator attached for bonus content, be sure to complete it to the best of your abilities to help our mods! 
  • Submit your finished prompt to the gallery for an extra coin! If you submit to the gallery you can use that link to submit the prompt itself.

♦ Restrictions | Notice_Icon_yellow.png
  • Artwork/Literature must be your own.
  • You can enter this prompt with any crederian you personally own.
  • You can include more of your own Crederians or add Crederians listed with a gift tag here! 
  • You may not use bases or dollmakers. 

♦ SPECIES | Notice_Icon_yellow.png

Mantibab, Kanti, Skullcracker, Leloko, Pawbird, Poffee, Bowroo, Ferragon, Toll

♦ Minimum REQUIREMENTS | Notice_Icon_yellow.png

♦ Drawn Entries:

  • Artwork must be full color
  • Artwork must show a complete character and snow creation.
  • Artwork does not require a background, but may be included for bonus coins per bonus guide.

♦ Written Entries:

  • Written work must be at least 500 words long.
  • Work must clearly feature at least one character and their snow creation.


Reward Amount
✨ Coins 5
💎 Magia Fragments 1
🧊 Frost Fall Loot Table 1

You can submit this prompt 3 time(s) per year .