Welcome to Crederia!
You've found your way to this little site and we're so happy to have you! Crederia is a high fantasty ARPG where you can explore the world of Crederia and its inhabitants with a community of welcoming artists and authors with a passion for these colorful creatures. Anyone and everyone is welcome, and we encourage you all to join us as we explore and expand Crederia's mysteries, lore, and residents! We have an age restriction of 16+ years of age.
We'd love if you could acquaint yourself with the rules before we get started!
Participating in this ARPG is the main method to earn, trade, and upgrade your Crederians!
⚠️ Crederia is currently being updated and is missing chunks of information, if you have any questions please head on over to the discord to get some hands on help! ⚠️

Getting Started
To begin, you'll need to create an account by hitting the Register button in the top right corner. From there, follow the steps (remember to choose an appropriate username that we can use to identify you), verify your e-mail, and link your existing Deviantart or Toyhou.se account in order to participate.
Now that you've made an account, you're going to need a Crederian. We have a few options for first time owners (FTO), as well as existing players!
Our current species can be found in the Species tab, be sure to click the dropdowns for some lore or browse their trait lists by clicking "Visual Trait Index" on their pages!
Note: Most species do not currently have a complete visual trait list or completed species pages but should have enough to get you started. If you have any questions, our discord is open to any and all help you might require. Phloxe is available on weekdays to answer questions or offer visuals to help with undefined or vague traits.
Now then, How do you get a Crederian?
♦ FTO Baby MYO gift box! Updated
This one's a tongue twister and a special gift from us to you! All members who have never owned a Crederian may send in a request via the Crederia discord to obtain a First-Time-Owner Baby Make-Your-Own gift box, which grants you a random baby MYO! You won't know which species you're getting, and by obtaining and opening this box you will lose your FTO status! While you're there, feel free to pick up any free gifts you might find~ All available species can be viewable via the species tab in the navigation bar! Some species are under heavy development and may not be designable just yet, but we are working on filling that in soon! Babies are limited to participating in raffles and baby prompts until they're grown.⚠️ This method of obtaining the baby MYO gift box is temporary as we fiddle with a few site things, sorry for the inconvenience! If you send in a request please be sure to include your crederia username and you'll get your gift box if your account is verified with an existing account. Fresh social media accounts with no history are disqualified from obtaining the MYO box to discourage rerolls ⚠️
♦ Purchase an MYO slot using in-game currency.
The Crystal Altar holds MYO items for all species, baby or adult, though availability may cycle. You may purchase these MYOs with coins earned from participating in prompts! There will be a first purchase 50% discount that we're working on adding to the site, so hold onto those coins for the moment!♦ Participate in Raffles!
The site will sometimes hold free raffles for designs or MYOS. Most will require you to draw or write a gift for another user to earn a ticket! Entering Raffles is open to any member and you don't need a Crederian yourself to participate.♦ Purchasing through sales, auctions, or customs
You can find designs available through sale or auction directly through this site or on Phloxebutt's deviantart or toyhou.se account. Additionally, customs may become available in the future from Phloxe or Burr, with details specific to their openings. MYOs are sold every other month on Phloxebutt's patreon!♦ Buy & Trade with another user!
The character masterlist is always updating and while browsing you can find some pre-loved designs that are looking for new homes! You can find characters marked for trade or sale here. Please be sure to double check their permissions before offering! You may also encounter users selling or trading offsite, and in those instances please be sure to ask for their masterlist entry so you can double check the permissions, and verify that they own the design!♦ Poffees and Bowroo, what are they? Free! Work in Progress Currently Unavailable
You may be familiar with either of these furry friends if you're well acquainted with Crederia, but our researchers are working hard to figure out where they've gone! Settlements and official guild halls have been abandoned and all known information has been pulled from the surrounding local libraries. The pawbird representatives were really unhappy with us when we showed up empty handed...
How To Play?
Crederia's main focus is the exploration of Crederians and their experiences in the world and how it transforms them! By participating in prompts you'll start earning Coins that you'll be able to exchange for traits, upgrades, or edits to your Crederians!
When your submit art for a prompt, the base payout will always be 5 Coins. To earn more coins per prompt, please read through the Coin Payout Guide to learn how to apply bonuses to your work!
After you've read through that, we suggest starting somewhere like.....
Growth PromptsIf you've redeemed your FTO Baby MYO gift box*, you're going to want to peruse these quests to grow your baby up! You're going to need to complete 4 of these prompts to officially age your baby to an adult. The fourth & final quest should always be "All Grown."
Spare Change
Where you can earn a small amount of coins for simply drawing your own, or someone else's character! There are two options here: a small, constantly available prompt that gives small payouts, and a larger monthly prompt that allows you to go all out and earn bonus coins on a gift for someone else!
General Prompts
For those who haven't familiarized themselves with the world yet, but would still like to draw their characters, General prompts include prompts that ask you to draw your Crederian as a fairytale character, a tarot card, a ttrpg class, and even single word prompts!
Community Characters Work in Progress Currently Unavailable
Community Characters are special characters that belong to the site that can be used in lieu of your Crederians, helpful for prompts with character limits or for users who don't own an adult Crederian to use in events and general prompts. Community characters are not currently available.
Once you have an adult crederian of your own and want to detail their journey in the world you should head on over to Character Quests!
Character Quests
Where you earn an additional currency on top of the normal Coins! This currency is for much rarer items and will be a slow process. Quests may be completed once per character and the character must belong to you.
Additional Info
Crederia is meant to be a fun way to enjoy your and other member's characters in this high fantasy community. Share your art, characters, and lore with each other and traverse this highly magical world! We heavily encourage you to join our discord if you'd like to have an easy way to contact us and be kept up to date with sales, updates, and the general happenings of the group! If for some reason you cannot use discord please send a note to our deviantart group, but discord is preferred.
Click the icon or this text to be taken to the discord!
Terms to Know
Here are some important terms we'll be using throughout the site that may be confusing at first! If there's anything we missed please reach out via discord and we can add them in!♦ FTO: "First-time-owner," this means you have not ever owned a Crederian. If you previously owned any Crederians, even if you have none now, you would not be considered an FTO.
♦ MYO: "Make-your-own," MYOs are characters of a Crederian species that you get to design yourself and add to the site officially. An MYO slot will be listed in the MYO masterlist.
♦ Crederian: An inhabitant of "Crederia", the world where this whole game takes place!
♦ Cridder: The pets of Crederia, these little Cridders can belong to your character and offer coin bonuses depending on rarity!
♦ Alignment: The magic powers that every inhabitant of Crederia holds that span multiple elements and concepts. This magic is mostly for story purposes, but will have opportunities for upgrades to your Crederian in the future!
♦ Babling/Winglette/Koal/Loolokits: The terms for each baby Crederian (Mantibab, Skullcracker, Kanti and Leloko, respectively)! Babies must be grown up before they can be used in general, quest, or event prompts!
Websites & Lore Work in Progress
For crederia, we make use of multiple websites to host information, artwork, and lore in an easily digestible manner.
Each species has, or will have information pertaining to it in the Species tab of this site, but to really get in depth about their ins and outs we've always used weebly to host this information. The weebly sites are currently not being updated and everything will be migrating over to this site over time.