Welcome to Windan

Created: 20 July 2024, 04:33:25 UTC
Last updated: 1 September 2024, 21:00:29 UTC

 The ocean awaits 

Gentle waves knock against the moss covered cliffside. Colorful, near translucent flowers dance just above as a gentle breeze carries the scent of the sea further onto land. The smell of the ocean welcomes you as you crest the hilltops. At its shoreline you see the colorful town listed on all the flyers, claiming: “Windan welcomes you! Come along as we celebrate the Eladrian Carnival once more!”

Around you small murmurs of excitement ring out as the other Crederians making this journey are greeted with the same sight.

Windan is a town known for its beautiful ocean view, with houses built on and around the cliffs that face the Eladrian sea. A wide paved road runs through its center, leading directly to the ocean in the most literal sense. The road doesn’t have an end, the water lapping at the white stones. Colorful banners, flags, and various dangling decorations line the main road; greenery of all shapes and sizes dot the walls and edges of the road, offering a vibrant frame for the road sides.


The town is a refreshing escape for Crederians tired of the hustle and bustle of the main cities, many seeking to vacation in one of the many sea-side inns (some even deciding they’d like permanent residence!) and enjoying the quieter life.

What makes Windan truly special is its connection to the Eladri, the beings descended from the ocean itself. The town has a long-standing relationship with the ocean-borne; mutual aid, trade, transportation, and the like are often exchanged between land and sea. Each year the Eladri are said to invite land dwellers to their home… though you wonder if something’s changed as you arrive.

Crederians of all sorts are in a flurry; you make out panic and confusion among the residents as you make your way through the main street. Large banners are half hung, you can make out “Carnival!” on its exposed side. Your companions attempt to get the attention of any Crederians that get near but are met with “sorry!” And “I’m a little preoccupied can you ask —?” Before the Crederian scurries off.

Clearly something is off, as you reach the center of town you see a few Poffees in a windowsill whispering frantically, but the moment they notice you watching they close the curtains, the     whispering getting loud enough for you to pick up “-e tide should have parted by now, ya’ think they’re upset? Oooooh I’ve been practicing my aim!”

Just as one of your companions manages to catch the attention of someone willing to give them the time of day, you catch that the residents are worried because they receive word of carnival preparations just before the land dwellers are officially let in. There’s been no contact from the Eladri for a few weeks. Their envoy swam out to get in touch and that was about a week ago…

All movement stills as a loud splash resounds from the ocean-side, water knocking over a few of the smaller residents and partially drenching you and your companions.

“Ahh~ Do excuse the garish arrival, my companion knows not the meaning of ‘elegance’”

The airy voice calls out behind you, and as you turn you're greeted with what some may call a peculiar sight.

[Maestro & Taiburn]

"YOU'RE HERE!" Calls a crederian struggling to push through the crowd. They manage to pop through and stop to catch their breath before continuing, "W-we were ready to think the carnival was off."

"Oh, but it is."

The Crederian's eyes nearly pop out of their head "WHAT?!"

The pair, or really just the flashy one of the two who introduces himself as Maestro, explains that there has been a.... dire issue beneath the waves. Beasts have swarmed the perimeter of their kingdom and, by proxy, the carnival grounds and there is no way to safely host the land dwellers while the danger is active. Their defenses are holding but they are unable to spare the forces to switch to the offensive and the two were given the opportunity to break through the fold and barely managed to make it here. The Kanti lets out a growl at the explanation, a raspy quality to her breathing getting stronger the longer the conversation goes on. You imagine her massive size might be the only reason her and Maestro managed to make it here.

The golden bab continues, "Which is why we've come to you. Two forces from the surface and the depths to pincer the beasts and force them to recede. There will of course be a reward for this help, as well as the certainty that the Carnival will open once the seasons cycle once more." The octopus attempts to keep a casual air about themself, but the smile on his face is strained as he delivers the offer. "S-So, what do you say?" 

Maestro's companion looks out towards the sea with a severity that causes more than a few Crederians to take a step back, a deep rumble emanating from deep in her chest. After a moment, she turns her head to look at you and utters a single word.

This event is available until SEPTEMBER 31st, 11:59PM PST


☀️ wtw Part 1 : A plea for aid...

The eladri need your help and have sent their representatives over to ask for it. Will you take part?


The Eladrian sea is in peril. You've recieved notice that the Ocean is rife with miasmic beasts that know only destruction, the duo who have asked for aid ask you to secure a vessel before you can set sail.
Are you up to the challenge?


☀️ wtw Part 2 : answering the call

Preparations are complete. With ship, sail, and hopefully a weapon by your side, it's a good a time as any for a hunt!


It's you and the open seas now! The waters are welcoming, the sky as blue as can be, broken only in the far horizon by the purplish clouds that get closer by the hour. It seems like a good way to find what you're looking for, based on the little information you have.

Thank you very much to my moderators!
Event Art & Text: burr , Phloxe
Event Prompt Banners: Falyre , Phloxe
Prompt Text: burr , ghostaris , Phloxe


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