Pride 2024

Created: 7 June 2024, 01:04:26 UTC
Last updated: 31 July 2024, 19:00:24 UTC

🌈🌈🌈 Season of pride 🌈🌈🌈

Before we continue, a resource that has helped countless youth, including the creator of Crederia, is The Trevor Project, a nonprofit organization chock full of lifesaving resources and a safe starting point for folks struggling with their identities or wanting to learn more about the community.
Consider donating to help current and future generations!


Crederia is home to all manner of identities, with little in the way of judgment towards gender expressions or even a rigid gender binary. Most species do not see gender the same way the real world does, although they may use our pronouns and forms of gender expression. Regardless of that, you're never barred from respectfully exploring your Crederian's gender.

Similarly to transforming yourself to better fit your identity, Crederians augment their bodies to fit their personal image. Transformations ( natural, medical, or magical) are welcome in the lore of the world and compose a core aspect of Crederian culture as a whole. Even if things aren't 1 for 1 with real life, you're welcome to think of your Crederians under the various LGBT labels! Which brings us to our mini event!

Take part in the various prompts, partake in self-expression, have fun with your community, or spend time with the people who have supported and encouraged your journey!

End Date: July 31st, 11:59PM PST


🌈 Prompts 🌈

There are a total of four prompts for this mini event! They can be completed in any order and there is no requirement to complete them all. This event is small, and is a way for us to show both support and welcome fellow LGBT Crederains to join the community! This ARPG and its species have stood with the LGBT community since it's conception and is a safe space to be yourself.

None of these prompts require backgrounds!
They are eligable for bonus coins though! Some prompts require only a portion of your Crederian to be visible!
Be sure to read the requirements so you don't overwork yourselves! We're here to have fun!

So let's get started! Which one do you want to read about first? Click any button!

Β Β Β 

🌈🌈🌈 Loud and Proud 🌈🌈🌈

Colors colors colors! Pride is saturated with a large array of flags that stand for the various identities that compose the communities that make it! Pick up a flag, don your colorful apparel, or pick up some paint and let your colors shine!Β 

Depict your Crederian with the flag(s) that best represent their, or your, identity!Β 
Alternatively, write about what your Crederian's flag means for them, or simply write about them going about their day wearing, or carrying their flag(s)!

There's a few ways you can do this:

  • Draw your Crederian holding their flag(s) of choice!Β 
  • Draw your Crederian with an item displaying their flag(s) of choice!
  • Put an outfit on your Credrian that shares the colors of their flag(s).
  • Palette swap! Change your Crederian's color palette to that of their flag(s)!
  • Write about them exploring their identity, or finding comfort in their identity, whatever that may mean for you, and them!
  • Write a blurb where they're wearing the colors of their flag proudly! Or perhaps they're trying to make an outfit for Pride and time is running out!
  • Write the moment they decide to paint their body with the colors of their flag(s)... how does that go for them? What part of themselves do they paint? Would they attempt an artificial full palette swap? Maybe just a flag on the cheek?Β 

Since pride is all about celebrating your identity proudly, have an alternate option for this prompt:

  • Draw your Crederian a Pride-con! An icon showing at least the bust of your Crederian with a backdrop of some kind (a background, a pride flag) The icon should depict a bust of your character!
  • The character can be palette swapped into the colors of their flag(s), or be wearing, or holding an item showing off their colors!Β 
  • Pink has swapped his palette for the trans-flag, and wears a Bisexual bow, and backdrop!

Click here to be taken to the prompt!


🌈🌈🌈 Festival of color 🌈🌈🌈

Pride is a time of celebration! Crederians from all around celebrate together, adorning their flag of choice and gathering at a party to toss streamers, confetti, and an assortment of paints! These paints are contained in small gelled capsules, exploding in colorful arrays. Crederians love to throw them at each other, the paint lightly dying their coats for the day!

Skullcrackers in particular enjoy taking flowersβ€”individually or strung togetherβ€”dipping them in paint and pressing them against other Crederians, creating intricate designs along their fur! Usually done as a light-hearted prank, this tradition is held close to the hearts of many.

Depict your Crederian partying! Be sure to include at least one Pride flag in the image or its colors in the image!

Click here to be taken to the prompt!


🌈🌈🌈 Love and community 🌈🌈🌈

Throughout our lives, people come and go in snippets that play a part in developing who we are today. We connect, we form bonds, and altogether we find a sense of community! Community is something you can make happen by sharing a small part of yourself with friends you haven't made yet! Community is teamwork! For Pride, consider who your Crederian's community is. Who offers encouraging words or kind actions? Who makes them feel safe, loved, or welcome to be themselves?

Depict your Crederian spending time with their friends, family, loved ones, or making new ones altogether! Be sure to include at least one Pride flag or its colors in the image!Β 

Click here to be taken to the prompt!


🌈🌈🌈 a kiss from me to you 🌈🌈🌈

With love and community composing a large part of the LGBT, we sometimes share a kiss with the people we're close to. Familial, friendly, romantic, or spur of the moment! This prompt is about smooches!Β 

Within Crederia, while kisses play a part in the overall culture, our species will show affection ranging from a friendly kiss to a deeply romantic kiss in a few different ways as well! We'll give a brief rundown below.Β  You're welcome to depict these forms of affection for this prompt instead:

Rubbing or pressing cheek circles together, commonly done by friends, family, and romantic partners. (deeply affectionate)

Resting your forehead or horns against another bab for comfort, for trust, for safe travel, to heal. (affectionate)

Holding snouts/noses together for a long moment (affectionate, trusting)
Laying your forehead against your partner, with your face turned to allow it so your horns don't knock against each other. (affectionate, respectful)

Rubbing one or both horn conduits against each other. Small magical sparks may fly (Familial, romantic, very affectionate)

Pressing your snout/a kiss against the conduit on a kanti's back (deeply romantic affection. It's an act of utmost trust)

Fanning out your chest wings and giving a gentle "chest bump" (affectionate, friendly)

Fanning out your chest wings and touching the tips of your feathers to one another, or curling the wings around each other to hold one another (romantic affection)

Nipping and grooming each other's wings or cheeks (affectionate, trusting)

Rubbing or pressing cheeks against one another. (affectionate, friendly)

"Kissing" with their flowers, pressing the centers against one another in a quick "peck". (Romantic affection)

Holding the tips of your tail petals against the tips of your partner Leloko and languidly twisting your flowers (friendly, playful, affectionate)
Pressing chest sigils against one another (deeply affectionate, romantic)

Pressing your neck against the neck of your partner and "purring", or rumbling against them. (affectionate, familial, friendly, romantic)

Pressing the full palm of your hands (peeled or unpeeled) against your partners, allowing your magic to flow through one another. Small motes of light emanate from the hands (romantic affection)


Depict your Crederian sharing a kiss with another, be it on the cheek, the forehead, or the mouth! Be sure to include at least one Pride flag or its colors in the image!

  • For prompts that include two crederians owned by you, you will receive the base reward!
  • Including yours + other users Crederian nets you +5 instead of the normal 3
  • You're free to include one of our available NPCs in your piece, which will instead reward you +1 money---50.gif alongside the normal 3Β 
Our Available NPCS and their Identities


Our resident Tutorial NPC. Having grown into himself in recent years, Pink is a polite and charming individual. He's friendly and always willing to lend a paw so much that he hasn't found the chance to really "hang out" with other Crederians outside of his job duties. Has a tendency to info dump.


An overexcited Skullcracker with more energy than she knows what to do with! She loves food and people and when she can't handle her excitement she's prone to shooting off needing to headbutt something. If you feed her she'll be your best friend~
Primrose "Prim" Bellabeau

A soft spoken, frail Mantibab who loves making friends. Prone to infatuation and loves being surrounded by flowers and nature! Share a cup of tea with him and he'll ask you to share your stories for as long as you're willing to tell~


A whimsical Mantibab with their head in the clouds! They live in the Astral Clocktower and send word anytime the bodies in the sky speak to them. You can find them often staring at the sky with a faraway look and a furrow to their brow. Β They enjoy sharing their love of astrology with others but are easy to distract.Β 

Click here to be taken to the prompt!


Pride Flags?

Thank you to the Human RIghts Campaign for this [LGBT flag resource]
If you would like to use a flag not found on the resource, please be sure to include the meaning when you send in the submission! We're familiar with most of them but are happy to be surprised ❀️


🌈🌈🌈 Spin the wheel 🌈🌈🌈

Each pride prompt can be completed three times. Complete all four and submit the set [here] to receive a randomized item from our rainbow pool! You may submit a new set and roll for an item up to three times
(3 sets of the 4 prompts = 12 prompts total).

Rare Trait Vial
Deluxe Assortment

Bottle of Carahoria Juice

Bottled Sundrops

Cinnaswirl Bun

Enchanted Trait Amulet

Bottled Flutterfly

Uncommon Trait Vial