Return to the Sea

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Tehani and Bryte looked out over the ocean, amazed as Windan slowly sank into the distance. Tehani was relieved that they hadn’t used his collection of driftwood to build a ship. Windan already had big, sturdy ships. Instead they had used the wood to build smaller boats. It also meant they didn’t need to cut down the trees around their beautiful town. Though most of the water-logged wood had to be dried so it would actually float.

The rope they’d twisted from the palm fronds made safety lines for everyone.

From the ship there was a beautiful view of the city, but Tehani and Bryte couldn’t help worrying. They didn’t know what to expect when they sailed above the underwater kingdom. Would the beasts come up to attack their boat? Or would some among them have to dive down to help? Tehani didn’t know what he would do in either case.

He glanced across the deck to where Maestro and Taiburn were consulting with the captain, giving her directions. Everyone else on the ship seemed a bit wary of Taiburn. Though for Tehani. Maestro looked more intimidating. Too flamboyant for Tehani to comprehend.

“I think we’re getting close,” Bryte whispered. She had been watching the exchange between the captain and the two underwater representatives. She had the harpoon strapped to her side. They’d cleaned it up some, and it looked a little better. But several of the others on the ship had snorted at the sight of it. Many of them looked like seasoned warriors, with well-tended weapons. Taiburn herself had a spear hooked to her harness.

Then the call came from the captain. “All passengers, secure your life lines if you need them!”

Tehani and Bryte grabbed their harnesses, woven from the palm fibers. Not everyone used them of course – they would have gotten tangles up if that were the case. And each harness was fastened to a different part of the deck, to make it more difficult for them to twist. They could also be unhooked easily if anyone did get wrapped up.

With their safety harnesses secure, Tehani looked back over the water. Deep beneath the surface. He thought he saw light. Maybe that was the kingdom. It must be amazing down there. But still, the thought of being so far underwater was nerve-wracking. He might not have come for the carnival if Bryte hadn’t been so eager.

The lights under the water faded. Tehani gasped, wondering if something horrible had happened to plunge the place into darkness. Then he realized that it wasn’t the city that had changed. Something had moved in front of it, blocking it from view.

“He turned and bellowed, “Something’s under the boat!”

Everyone swarmed toward him, many of them drawing weapons. Tehani flinched and backed away as a sword cut a hunk of fur from his chest.

The ocean exploded. Water burst upward and showered over a massive black head. Its skin was inky black, with an oily sheen. It tossed its horns, sending spray in all directions, and opened its jaws in an ear-splitting roar.

“That’s the leader of the beasts!” Maestro wailed.

The beast’s back broke the surface. Its body was beneath the ship! If it rose any higher, it could capsize them.

Taiburn Raised her spear and dove into the water. Other warriors followed, landing on the beasts back. From the deck, archers loosed arrows at the beasts head. Others launched the small boats.

The monster snarled and plunged beneath the water. Several of the warriors clung to the spikes along its back, holding on as it dove. Others bobbed up to the surface, hissing in frustration.

“It’s circling back,” Bryte murmured. She gripped the harpoon, waiting for the right moment to strike.

A huge clawed hand rose out of the water. Talons closed over the rail, threatening to yank the ship over.

Bryte yelled and sprang into the air. She came down, driving the harpoon into the monster’s hand. It withdrew its hand, knocking Bryte into the ocean. Huge fingers closed around her, dragging her down.

“Bryte!” Tehani grabbed for her rope as it was jerked taught. He was nearly yanked off the deck himself. He couldn’t out-muscle a beast that huge. And Bryte hadn’t gotten a chance to take a deep breath. She couldn’t last much longer. Tehani grit his teeth and sent a surge of his magic through the rope, willing Bryte to come free.

The rope jerked loose. Tehani hauled it in, praying that it hadn’t snapped. But it did feel like there was a weight at the other end. He pulled, his breath catching as the seconds ticked by. How long had she been under there?

Then her head broke the surface. Her eyes were closed. Tehani hauled her up toward the deck, whispering quiet prayers for her safety. He caught her and lay her down. Bryte was hugging the harpoon to her as though it had been a life line. Her breath came in deep gasps, and she didn’t seem to have inhaled any sea water. That was good.

“Are you okay?”

She didn’t open her eyes. “J-just a little bruised,” she wheezed. Tehani imagined that monster trying to crush her in its fist. He needed to see if she had any broken bones, or other injuries. But first…

The rest of the warriors attacked the beast’s neck where it protruded from the water. Others fought from the small boats. But the skin must be too thick. It didn’t seem to be doing much good.

Then the beast’s body vanished beneath the surface.

Tehani eased the harpoon out of Bryte’s grasp. “I’ll be right back.”

She didn’t seem to hear. She was barely conscious.

Tehani climbed the rigging as fast as he could, gripping the salty harpoon handle in his mouth. He ran out along the spar and clenched the harpoon tightly in his paws.

There. Right beside them.

“Come at us,” Tehani growled. “Give us everything you got!”

The head burst out of the water, right next to the ship’s hull.

And Tehani leapt. He threw all of his weight behind the harpoon and drove it deep into the beast’s skull, right between the eyes.

The beast threw back its head and bellowed. Tehani tumbled back, getting caught on the beast’s horns. As it thrashed in its dying throes, Tehani’s lifeline wrapped around a horn and snapped. He plunged into the water, sinking below the depths. He opened his eyes, trying to see the surface through bleary eyes. Then the beast’s head crashed down into the water, sinking and spewing oily blackness into the waves. Tehani tried to swim away, but the huge head caught him beneath it, and he felt himself getting forced deeper and deeper beneath the sinking monster. His lungs constricted, and pressure closed in around him. His vision was fading. He just had to try not to breathe in… but soon his chest would inhale from sheer desperation.

Something warm closed around his chest and pulled him free. It pulled him upward, toward sunlight and air. Tehani started kicking desperately, trying to push them up faster.

They burst to the surface and Tehani sucked in air. His lungs spasmed reflexively, trying to inhale as much as they could. His savior started towing him back to the ship. Faded vision, from exhaustion and salt water, finally focused on his savior. It was Taiburn.

“Th-thank you,” he whispered, his voice weak.

Taiburn smiled. “No, thank you.”


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Return to the Sea
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In Event Quests ・ By Ferngirl

PRompt for Welcom to Windan

Part 2

Featuring Tehani the Mantibab and Bryte the Kanti.

Submitted By Ferngirl for ☠️ [WTW Part 2] | Monster Hunting
Submitted: 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 weeks ago

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