Florabell Faire Pt 1
Ley sighed as he shifted slightly in the comfortable little hovel he used for winter hibernation every year... even from his dark little nest of blankets he could tell that spring had sprung, the brightness of the sun piercing through from the little round windows and quite nearly illuminating the leloko's snow-white fur.
He was reluctant to get up from his comfortable nest, but he could only lay around for so long until he began starving... his stomach was already growling for the celebratory foods that awaited every leloko at this year's Florafell Faire.
He groaned softly as he began the process of lifting himself up out of bed, slowed from months of dormancy... The trek there wouldn't be easy while so groggy like this... However, he managed to make his way to the door soon enough.
“Good lord...” He shut his eyes quickly, the strong sunlight streaming in when he pushed the door open. As painful as the sun was on eyes so used to the dark of winter though, it wasn't all bad- after all, leloko DID obtain a fair amount of energy from photosynthesis... so a bit of adjustment to the light later and he would at least be a little more perky.
If he wasn't, there's no way he'd be well enough to make the journey anyway.
He was fairly sure he knew the direction of the Fairegrounds- it wasn't his first time, after all- it wasn't even his second or third!
... That didn't stop him from getting lost along the way, though. A lot can change between fall and winter, and the landscape had changed just enough that it threw him off slightly. By the time he came across a helping hand, he was already more than a little frustrated about what felt like going around in circles.
A small caravan carrying what Ley assumed were supplies headed for the Faire came up alongside him, manned by a single purple-haired pawbird that just barely smiled when their eyes met. Well, Ley was barely one to smile either, so he supposed they matched each others' energy well. Kindred spirits, if you would.
“Hey,” The pawbird began in a low, monotone voice that made him seem more bored than anything, “Headed for the Faire?”
Ley simply nodded in response- he wasn't up for talking too much right after waking up from several months' worth of sleep. It was unfathomable to him that anyone would be...
“How about coming aboard? Probably faster by cart than by lethargic paws.” The pawbird was quick to stop the vehicle's movement just in case this leloko decided to become a new passenger, and become a passenger Ley readily did- hopping quickly on board and resting his weary paws, still not used to being worked so hard just after a long slumber. His new purple-haired acquaintance seemed rather pleased with himself for this brand new development as well.
“What's your name? I'm Drew.” The pawbird, now Drew, asked his new passenger as he got the cart moving again.
Submitted By Gakuwalked
for 🌼 Event: Florabell Faire [Part 1]
Submitted: 9 months ago ・
Last Updated: 9 months ago