Making a Friend
The world was warm. He didn't feel cold or pain. He felt comforted and soft, allowing him to relax completely in his exhaustion. He wasn't quite sure still why this all happened and where he was, but he felt safe. There was no reason to fear the world now that it was textured in fleece and cushioned oh so perfectly. The world was dark for a while. So still and unmoving.
It was only the smell that peeled him from sleep. Blue eyes opened and blinked away his sleepiness. He sat up, though his muscles ached in protest as he did. He groaned a bit, confused and tender. Where was he? Who was that red mantibab? Eyes wandered the walls for any indication, but it was bare except for one shelf with a pitiful amount of books strewn about the edges. A hearth radiated heat against his side and...
"Ah, you're awake," stated a voice. A distant one from over the half wall. "How are you feeling?" The same red mantibab stepped slowly over to him. They didn't seem menacing, only kind and genuine. The babling wasn't quite sure if he should answer.
"I'm... ok," he hesitated, bowing his head. He wasn't quite sure if that was the truth.
"Do you have a name?" The stranger cautiously stepped around to sit on the couch, watching the babling as he lifted his head once more, looking dull-eyed and lost. The stranger tilted their head. "Do you... not remember?"
The last question snapped the babling from his trance and he nodded. Everything, including his name, was lost to him for some reason. He didn't know why or how. There were so many questions again, making his head hurt. Eventually, he shook his head to answer the red mantibab.
"Hmmm..." they hummed, tilting their head the other way in thought. "How about... Sif."
"Sif?" he echoed, staring at the stranger directly this time.
"Is that alright with you?" they questioned, patiently and silently watching the babling.
"Yeah," he said, giving a small smile. It felt nice to have a name, something to stabilize himself with. It was a simple name, and he liked it. It was his, no one else's. "What's your name?"
"Shira," they replied, smiling back. "It's nice to meet you, Sif."
Sif nodded, watching as Shira rose from the couch. They walked back into the other room for but a moment, returning with a plate of food. Was that what he was smelling? It smelled so good. His stomach agreed with him, letting out an uncomfortable rumble.
"I'm sure you're quite hungry," Shira said, setting down the plate before him. Sif slowly sat up more so he could properly eat. He gave a small thank you and started to eat. Shira watched him for a few moments, sitting back on the couch.
"You're welcome to my home," they said, giving a reassuring smile. "You're welcome to stay with me, Sif."
He was stunned for a second but nodded. Shira had saved him from whatever fate he was to occur. He had to pay them back somehow, some way. But for now?
He was glad to have a friend.
Sif finding his name and a friend! Thank you, Shira.
Submitted By ghostaris
for 🌼 Making Friends
Submitted: 9 months ago ・
Last Updated: 9 months ago