Feast Part I

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It was early in the day and already the fairgrounds were packed with crederians from all around to celebrate the beginning of spring. Lelokos were still groggy from their hibernation. Some lazily took naps in the sun while others tried to feast themselves into another nap. The smell of food was intoxicating, almost as disorienting as the talking and shuffling of everyone attending. Stalls were filled to the brim with trinkets and books, all shiny and new to sell to those visiting the city. Music droned in the background, slightly above all of the chatter.

Shira weaved their way through the crowd, trying to keep Sif as close as possible. It was quite difficult to rein in the babling with all of the food around, but they managed to find their way through the thick crowd and under a tent set up near some of the market booths. Shira was more interested in trinkets to buy for their hovel or maybe a book to entertain in case of rainy days. They were more ecstatic to possibly find some alchemy books or...

"Shira! Sif!" a voice rang out, beckoning the two mantibabs to look to their left. A familiar blue figure sat at one of the tables, waving a hunk of meat in the air. "Over here!"

"Hey look! It's Blaidd!" yelled Sif, immediately running over to the wolfish mantibab. Shira sighed, knowing they couldn't wrangle the babling any longer. They would have to wait for the market. Now that the food was in front of them, Shira began to feel that grumbling feeling clawing at their belly. Hunger betrayed every instinct.

"Hey, Blaidd," Shira greeted, sitting across from him. They grabbed Sif by the collar to sit him down so he didn't have to crawl across to grab something. "It's nice to see a familiar face about."

"Likewise!" he laughed, handing Sif a hefty piece of meat. The babling took no time wrapping his jaws around it. He was very hungry and happy to be in the middle of the festive feast. There was so much variety too, his eyes glanced around the table, thinking of what to pick up next after he ate his current piece. Maybe a pie? No, sweets should be last. As they say, 'save the best for last!'

Shira settled into their seat and grabbed some honeyed carahoria to start with. For a long while, they and Blaidd caught up in conversation. Relaying their daily lives and perhaps a rumor or two circulating the town. There wasn't much in their mundane lives, yet it felt so comfortable and warm. Shira could feel themselves smile and relax as the evening went on. Music and laughter droned all around them.

Trinkets and books could wait awhile; it was time to bask in the good times with friends and food. Besides, it was Sif's favorite part of the festival. Shira wanted him to have fun despite their desires.

They also needed to monitor the babling not to eat too fast.

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Feast Part I
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In Event Quests ・ By ghostaris

Shira and Sif eating with Blaidd and catching up in conversation!

Submitted By ghostaris for 🌼 Event: Florabell Faire [Part 2]
Submitted: 10 months agoLast Updated: 10 months ago

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